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I used to dream of pastel blue sky's and crystal waters shining in the sun. Now I have nightmares of the shocking truth of the world buried in my memories.

After graduating from Texas A&M University at 22, I took a trip to Kenya with my Marine Biologist class. We researched the behaviors and patterns of the native sea turtles. We stayed in a small village for 7 days studying the turtles habits day and night. The villagers were very helpful and provided guidance to finding the common Green turtle and the Hawksbill turtle.

One night while walking along the beach I heard a little boy screaming,"msaada wa mama!" I ran to see what the commotion was about. The boy looked no older than ten years. Tears streaming down is cheeks in the moonlight, with his arms stretched out holding an object. He was trying to tell me something. "Hey kid, are you hurt? Where's your parents?" He just handed me the object and I finally understood his frustration.

I look down to see a young turtle with blood pouring from its nose. As I inspected the turtle further I thought it could be a parasite logged in its nostril. I took the turtle to where my class and I were staying. The boy followed hoping I could save the turtle.

Grabbing pliers and a light I was in a rush to cure this turtle without more harm. I shined the light on the turtles nose and realize what I'm looking at. "A straw" I breathed out in a loud whisper. I silently hope for the best as I try pulling the straw out. I shut my eyes after seeing the turtles nostril become worse. Finally after a few strenuous moments, the straw is out and the turtle is perkier. The boy was shouting some grateful praises as I finished helping the turtle.

That was the trip that made me fully understand the extent of what we contribute to this planet. We are the only ones that can save the Earth from our doings. One turtle saved is still hundreds uncared for. Plastic and other products in the oceans are destroying the sea life. As a researcher with a better point of view I still dream of crystal oceans and pastel blue sky's. I also dream of a better planet, one without the dependence of plastic.

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