Chapter seven: waiting

Start from the beginning

"But where?" Draco asked aloud, searching the memories, and found a repeating statue of an angel with large wings. He searched harder and saw a flash of a name. Forcing the memories back, and replayed them again, and groaned. Lily Potter. He didn't know where his boyfriend's mother was buried, but he did know where he could start. Draco removed himself from the memories and looked at his captive who was staring at him in anger. 

"You little shit, I'll kill you!" Dolohov growled, trying to free himself of the curse which left Draco laughing darkly. 

"You think I'll let you go after what you've done." Draco looked down and leaned in close, putting his wand to Dolohov's neck, "anyone who had a hand in hurting my sister will meet a fate worse than death." He said, searching his own memory for the curse. "Custodia." He whispered and watched Dolohov's eyes widen and stick the way. The curse was meant to imprison the criminal's in their own body, but their mind fully awake,  and the only person who could break the spell was the caster. Draco took a quill from the desk and ripped Dolohov's shirt open, rage fueling his actions as he stabbed a small hole in Dolohov's arm and using the blood as ink signed his name across the chest. 

"Tell Voldemort I said hello." Draco grinned darkly and apparated on the spot, landing precariously on the floor of his sister's home, vomit in his throat at his own actions. He had resorted to dark methods to achieve his goals, which in some sense reaffirmed everyone's beliefs of Slytherins that they just always go bad. Because he knew he'd do it again. Part of him relished the thought of leveling the playing field of Death Eaters by handling them without killing them, but another part hated what he had done to another human being. 

He forced his thoughts to halt, forcing himself to remember that no matter what side he was one, this was war and taking them out of commission was a smart choice and he wasn't killing anyone. Dolohov wouldn't feel any physical pain, and would just be stuck in his own thoughts. Draco laid on the cold floor, staring at the ceiling as his breathing slowed. Using that spell was his best option and it gave him the best chance to save Harry if Death Eater numbers went precariously down. He closed his eyes, and let his exhaustion take him, as he lay on the floor and the sun rose in the windows.


 Draco woke when the sun began its usual descent back down, he'd slept the day away which wasn't a bad thing, as he peeled himself off the hardwood floor. Once on his feet, he groaned his body sore from the floor, as he stretched out his long limbs, and apparated back towards the Leaky Cauldron, pulling his hood up as he stepped out of the shadows, he nearly swallowed his tongue as he watched Yaxley yanking Tom out from behind the bar with force. Draco inched back into the shadows and watched the scene unfurl. Yaxley looked furious, as he slammed the old wizard against the brick wall. 

"Someone was here, asking questions for the Order. What did you tell them?" Yaxley demanded, and Draco swallowed. 

"Damn," Draco muttered, his Oblivate hadn't stuck. Unless they gleaned it from Dolohov's prone body, with could've led them back to Ernie, and Tom, which was unlikely. Yaxley wasn't smart enough, and he had given Ernie Longbottom's name and signed Dolohov's chest. But anyone would know that old man Tom knew things about everyone and could be bought. Draco was over thinking the situation when he should be leaving. Until he saw the Death Eater standing with Yaxley. Thorfinn Rowle. His pale skin and dark eyes barely registering anything as he glanced around. Draco ducked back behind the pillar and had to think quick, but wasn't quick enough as someone grabbed his arms, and yanked him deeper into the shadows. 

"Malfoy, what the bloody hell are you doing here?" Draco looked up and was shocked to find Fred Weasley. 

"Information gathering, Weasley." Draco responded, "And keep your sodding voice down, idiot. Merlin, I'm in disguise." At that, Fred looked at him and seemed to notice the dark hair and eyes he had worn during the wedding weeks ago. 

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