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Back at the nemisis

Soundwaves POV

Just a few minutes ago Arrya was ground bridged to some random location, and Knockout and I were already getting to the bottom of it. Maybe it was dreadwing, he is known to use bombs a lot, and he was jealous because Knockout and I collected more relics than him. Anyways I was absolutley devistated about losing Arrya, and I could tell knockout was too. I have picked up that he might be jealous, every time I'm with her, he gives me this strange look. I'm not trying to steal her away from him, its just that I feel so bad for her, she gets treated horribly, and I can relate to her, because I was too. Knockout looks like he is about to have a spark attack, he's going on and on about the situation and how he was going to pound whoever had ill will against her into scrap, and how worried he is about her. I finnaly had enough of his rambaling on, and I said, "Calm yourself! Going on and on about how your going to pummel the person who did that into scrap will not help find her. Now, I will acces the groundbridge and see where the latest groundbridge was located. You have to get everyone out of there so that I can do that. Got it?" and he nodded, and entered then said, "Everyone is due for a checkup, please report to the medbay imeadiantly." and I stood against a wall as decepticons came flodding out of the room. The coast was clear, so I walked in the room, and went to the groundbridge control pannel. I attatatched my tentical to the screen, and looked at the latest entry, but it was all scrambled. I started to decode it, and sent a comm link to knockout saying, "This might take longer than I anticipated, its all scrambled, I can deccode it though, give me some time."

"Alright, on it." He replied, and I worked quickly so that I could get to her as soon as possible.

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