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Harry woke up to find himself under a giant paw. Not giant as in bigger than a small family. But more of a bigger than a small child, kind of way.

Quickly saying goodbye to his new friend, er friends, he crept through the halls. He took a bit longer than he probably should have, but it was worth it.

He took the long way as to avoid certain painting who he had heard like to tattle. He didn't need a teacher knowing he fell asleep with a 'dangerous beast'

When he finally he made it to the Ravenclaw tower, not a living soul was yet awake. Thanking his lucky stars, mostly the ones in Canis Minor. Known for helping those needing to sneak about, the gift of the uncatchable fox.

Quickly making his way to his room Harry opened the door to find Anthony sitting on his bed reading. Harry held his breath, praying to Teumessian that no question would be asked.

Anthony only glanced at Harry before returning to his book. Harry was thankful Anthony kept to himself.

After a shower and two power naps later, Harry was sitting at the Hufflepuff table. Neville and the girls greeted him as normal.

"You look terrible," Susan commented after a bit, as she looked at Harry. The other two couldn't help but silently agreeing. His hair was damp, his shirt looked like it was buttoned too fast, and he looks exhausted. Very unlike his usual self.

"Stayed up studying," Harry lied as he piled some eggs onto his plate.

"Harry, you shouldn't stay up all night studying," Hannah breated him as he shoveled eggs in his mouth as fast as was expected at the table.

Harry continued to talk to his friends, but he could feel two pairs of eyes on him. Glancing, he saw it was Flitwick and Snape. Oh right, the whole almost dying thing.

Later on in the day, during his charms class, he was told to see Flitwick in his office after dinner.

Waiting after dinner Harry made his way down to Flitwick's office. Up these stairs and down this hallway.

Knocking on the door he heard the rustling of papers and hushed voices. Soon, the door open and he heard Flitwick welcome him inside.

Making his way inside, Harry saw Flitwick putting papers away in a file cabinet. It was pleasantly surprised to see something so normal in Hogwarts.

Candles lit the office as if to remind Harry of the magical place he was in. LEDs had no hold here.

Another surprising addition was professor snape sitting in a chair.

Harry was pulled out of his observations when his head of house spoke.

"Harry," Flitwick started, "You're stunt during your flying lesson, was terribly reckless,"

"I apologize, sir, I wasn't thinking about the consequences of my actions,"

The two professors blinked. They hadn't expected that.

"What were you thinking about?"

"Well, I was thinking about making sure Neville's Remembrall didn't break,"

And so, the three began their talk. The teachers trying to get Harry to see why what he did was bad. Harry tried to explain himself and his reasons.

The three soon ended, but before Harry left he asked.

"Sir, why is there a sibrus on the third-floor corridor?"A thump was head before Severus Snape himself was standing beside the half goblin.


"I was running around and stumbled into the third corridor, and opened a door to find a carbus,"

"Do not interact with the beast," Snape seethed, how dare the only living remnant of Lily continuously try to kill himself?

"But I've been chilling with them for the past week," Harry said, confusion laced his voice

And so began the argument of Harry's freedom on the third-floor corridor.


Harry had started to visit the giant three-headed dog at least twice a week.

One Friday after placeholder, Harry made his way inside the locked door to find the giant man who leads them from the train to the boats.

"Hello," Harry said as he walked inside, closing the door behind softly as Fluffy had complained about slamming before.

The giant quickly turned to the boy and whispered yelled, " 'et o't here you shouldn't be in here,"

Harry's head cocked to the side as he asked, "why?"

"Fluffy don't take kindly to strangers," the tall man said softly, as he tried to motion harry out

"Good thing I'm not a stranger then," Harry said as he walked over to the giant dog. Before the man could save his life he had reached the dog.

Beetle-like eyes shut tight, not wanting to watch the poor child be torn apart. When he heard no noise, he hesitantly opened his eyes.

There sat Harry sitting next to the Cerberus.

Hagrid, a bit slightly confused, after he saw Harry talk and hold a conversation with Fluffy. Harry would talk then one or more of the heard would bark in return.

What made him the most confused was the topic of the conversation, chess.

"I can't believe Everyone else is better than me chess," the young Ravenclaw huffed to the Cerberus as he laid on its paws.

"Well I better be going," Hagrid said as he had other magical creatures to feed and care for.

Harry had stayed later at dinner than he entered. Once he noticed half of everyone was gone, he rushed out back to his tower.

Deciding a shortcut would help, Harry cut through a hallway.

In later years, neither party could remember what had actually happened. Even if they did, nobody would say anything about it.

Harry was terrified as he let out a squeak. He felt his body morph into something new.

Soon a ferret-like critter was standing in Harry's place. Identical smirks looked down at him.

Isn't this
Quite the
The Weasley twins said as one of them picked harry up.

"Oi, shut up you pickled pinheads!" the ferret said a squeaky yet snarl like voice with hints of a Scottish accent.

"Already acting like a Jarvey?" one asked with a raised eyebrow

So, in Harry referring to himself as 'sun' is intentional.

The moon was a painful nightmare, especially after all of his support disappear in one night.

Once Harry comes into the picture, he helps Remus see 'the light'. Shows him the good in the world again.

The two also help each other so much, as if balancing. A bit like yon and yang.

Sun and moon.

Also, you think they would pass up on a pun?

Now that my cringe explanation is out of the way, I'M NOT DEAD! Huzzah! I have no clue when the next update will be.

Maybe a Q&A sometime during the wait? Idk if you want me to answer a question ask here and I'll try to answer it during the next update wait.

Harry Potter, The Bronze BoyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora