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    Harry Potter, the defeater of the dark lord - he-who-must-not-be-named - destined to do many great things. The savior of the wizarding world, was running.

The boy was running as fast as his small unathletic legs would carry him. Why some would ask, is he running. From angry parents? Death Eaters? The dark lord himself?

He knew almost nothing about his parents, other than they were dead deadbeats. Nor, did this young boy know anything of the wizarding world let, alone the darkness hidden in its corners.

Sadly, the young boy was running form a large group of (very large) boys. At the head of the group was his own cousin, Dudley Dursley.

Harry hunting, it was the one thing that kept him from falling down from exhaustion. The bruises from last time had just begun to disappear and he didn't need any replacements.

Harry almost let out a sigh of relief when he saw a familiar treeline. Dark leaves acted as a solid wall to keep out peering eyes. This was the boy's safe haven.

The urban legend was that any who entered should be hunted for the rest of their lives by mass murder. Harry knew this was all fake, as the closest murder case was five towns away, and he died in jail.

"Not so fast freak." A voice said as he was yanked by the collar of his sweater.

For the first time, he was thankful that everything he owns was hand-me-downs from his whale of a cousin (the boy weighted the same as a newborn whale calf). Slipping out of the XXL sweater and continuing his sprint to the treeline.

Harry could hear the group running after him, he could also hear one or two stop every step closer to the treeline. With a smirk, he learned on the base of one of the giant trees.

The group was at least ten yards away from where Harry had stopped to rest, their eyes filled with fear of the so-called haunted woods.

Without another look, Harry turned into the woods and walked in, following an almost unseen path.

With a small smile, Harry starts walking towards his hideout. Looking around him Harry allowed himself a moment of peace.

The large trees, he had yet to find the name of, with their thick dark foliage blocked out most the light. Only small beams of sunlight filtered through to the lush grass below.

A few birds tweeted their sweet songs in the early October day. Fallen leaves crunched under his feet.

"Hey freak," Dudley said a few feet from where Harry had stopped at the treeline.

Without looking behind him Harry took off running once more. This time without a destination. His safe place was no longer safe, his one option was gone.

He now only had one option, run.

"Get him!"  The whale ordered as he was very -very- out of breath and was leaning on the same tree as Harry had for support.

Running through the familiar forest he closed his eyes whisking to be anywhere but where he was.

I wish I was somewhere safe with someone who cared.

Harry didn't notice how the leaves blurred or the pull in his navel.

Harry stumbled over a root he must not have seen. Cursing harry looking for somewhere to hide.

Looking for somewhere safe he saw a small cave. Out of desperation - totally not curiosity as Harry knew every inch of the forest - he took a look inside.

Surprise filled the young boy as he saw the cave looked clean, or as clean as you can get a cave. With no better options before him, Harry went deeper into the cave's dark abyss( a few feet into the shadowed cave).


Mooney was a simple wolf, really, all he wanted was to run free and maybe catch a rabbit -or deer - or to three.

It was not his fault that humans don't understand stand the law of the land. Wild things want to be wild and free (and not to annoy something if it can eat you), but he digressed.

He was minding his own business in a cave in the outskirts of a no-name town when he heard the sound of footsteps.

Getting up he silently made his way to the noise. He - barely - suppressed a growl when he saw the intruder near his books. Those were his books! HIS!

He felt his anger double when he saw it was a person pup. What kinda person leaves their pup alone?

"Whoa! So many books!" Mooney heard it speak. Mooney couldn't help but let go of his anger and puff out his chest in pride.

Nobody had ever taken such a liking to his collection of literature. Mooney there and then decided that he would protect this person pup for as love as he lived.

Deciding to greet his new found admirer Mooney stepped out of the shadows that hid him and sat next to the person pup looking proudly at his books.

The person pup seemed surprised that he was sitting there next to him.  Why these where his books after all.

"Are these your books?" It spoke with curiosity that only a pup could have. Mooney gave the pup his award-winning wolf grin.

This only seemed to confuse the pup so he let out an annoyed huff and nodded his head like a person. The pup seemed to understand that.

Why were persons so weird? A head movement told them more than a grin, he could never understand them.

"This is so cool!! Not only are you a wolf which is cool in itself, but you have books! Books!" Mooney found that he could not agree with the person pup more.

Mooney was about to show the pup his other bookshelf when it sneezed. Mooney looked at the pup. How could he be so blind?! The pup had on pants bearly held on with a too-big belt and also to-big tank top.

Was this pup crazy, it would get sick running around like that in the cold. Even he with his beautiful fur felt the chill.

Seeing no other option he grabbed the pup's shirt and began to pull it to a slightly warmer part of the cave.

The pup not wanting to upset the wolf the size of a child followed with only the smallest complaint of, "But books,"

Dragging the pup to the floor Mooney curled himself around the pup. After seven tries of getting up, the pup fell asleep.


Wrapping himself around the -no- his pup Mooney feel asleep to his pup's even breathing.

His tail never stopped wagging till he transformed back into a confused Remus Lupin.

The picture took me like five minutes so that's why it looks perfect.
Like, comment, and please point out any mistakes.

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