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Remus Lupin tried his best.

He's in the outskirts of a blink-and-you-miss-it town, deep, deep into the forest. So deep that he got lost twice on the way there even with appreciation.

He stayed away from everyone, but the man at the bookstore and the lady at the dinner. He only was here these too because. 1) he needs books to keep him entertained and to drive away from the loneliness. 2) he needed food and he couldn't cook to save his life. Even Mooney hated his cooking - and Mooney ate everything and anything.

So when he woke up from his monthly transformation and found a small boy laying on him he freaked out. After putting on his robe Remus started to poke the small child awake.

The child looked about five with a small and skinny frame. A dark black mess of hair tangled. It reminded him of Ja-. A familiar pang of grief ran through him.

The boy's clothing was way too big for him. He had on pants barely held on with a belt three sizes too big and a tank top nine sizes too big.

Realizing after a second the boy must have been freezing he quickly acoed a blanket for the boy.

During Rumus freak out the small boy had woken up and was wondering who this man was and where the nice wolf went.

"Sir?" The small boy asked shielding himself from the cold with the blanket. His eyes, a color that sent a wave of grief through him. Those Avada Kedavra green eyes.

The color that took everything from him, forever.

The one thing that stopped him from letting out a growl was the innocence and curiosity in those eyes.


Harry had woken up to find his nice, and intelligent (he had books, how could he not be?) wolf friend gone.

Poof. Gone. Disappeared without a trace, without a goodbye.

Taking his place was a terrified man in weird, threadbare robes?

"Sir?" Harry couldn't help but ask.

Harry let out a small giggle when the man brought out of his worries and let out a meek, yes as if trying not to scare him. This man was far from scary.

Vermin was scary, this man seemed nice.

"Where is the nice wolf," Harry asked as he fiddled with the blanket he had woken up with. The blanket felt familiar.

It was a checkered pattern with deep red and gold. The same gold color used as trimming and a silhouette of a lion like a creature in the center.

"Where is the nice wolf mister?" At this small question, the man seemed to come apart checking Harry for injuries. The man could only find a small faded bruise on his arm.

"Ahhh, the wolf well he had to go home," the man drawled out trying to come up with a good lie. Harry, who could easily recognize the lie looked at the man.

He looked worse for were with a few scars littering his face. One, in particular, stood out to the young Harry, light across the bridge of his nose.

"Well," the blackett drawled out with a barely concealed grin, "can I read some of the books?"

This made the man's face light up. This child wanted to read his books, the last person he shared his books with was Li-.

"You want to read some of my books?" The man asked with a smile that almost reached his eyes.

"Ah ha! I knew it!" The small child exclaimed out of the blue. With absolute seriousness, he said," You're the wolf, you're a wolf-man!"

At this, the man let out a shaky laugh. The shaky laugh then turned into a real laugh when he saw the kid had struck a pose.

Harry Potter, The Bronze BoyWhere stories live. Discover now