I need friends😂😎

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Hey kitty girls😺 lmao how have you been?..... cool idc ......lol jk I do hmu if you wanna talk...... Anyways this week I don't really have anything to rant about besides the fact that I went to my high schools musical (No! Not high school musical) it was Shrek and I'm actually pissed that I didn't audition to do it because I'm an actual chicken shit. Some of you may not know that I want to be an actress so I need to stop being a fucking pussy and just do it. When I graduate I'm moving to California with my best friend and my cousin and hopefully successfully being and actress. My dream role would be the love interest of Noah Centineo🤫😏
I love that hottie mcthottie 💦 Welp that's my life I have to friends and apparently no love lol until the next rant ✌🏽
I have no life 😎

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