Father of the Prey

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Dad has been weird as of late, he's been talks about us moving or asked if I miss my grandparents and I do a lot but my friends are here and school and I'm in the soccer team and dad is going to be alone and I felt uneasy about it. Did I do something wrong, am I a bother? What do I do? Do I get a job? Im not even old though. One night on a Friday, dad came early from work and was putting stuff in the car, I saw a huge amount of cash in the bag has well has papers that looked important. After that I notice some of my stuff was switched with dad's stuff and dad was moving a lot of thing, to the point I woke up in the middle of the night to see him in the back yard burying something. On Monday, Dad didn't go to work in fact he made breakfast.

"Hey Victor I have a surprise for you," He said.

"Ok, oh shit it's late I have to go to school," I said.

"Oh, forget school, for today why not hangout with your dad," He said.

"Ok," I said.

The whole day I completely forgot the weird act his doing. We watch a movie went out, we went fishing? Then back home to eat pizza.

"You don't want anymore?" He asked.

"No, am on my fifth slice already," I said, stuffed and uncomfortable and it's not the pizza.

"Listen I know you're not stupid and you know we don't usually do this, I have come to a realization that you're just a kid. You seem so out of it and always running around doing stuff and school. My Dads called saying they miss you so....." He said.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I have decided it will be best of you to visit them in California," He said.

"What?!" I said.

"I think it would be great little vacation for you, besides they miss you so much," He said.

"Wait! I have school and my friends are there and the team," I said

"No, worries I talked to your teachers about it already, the couch said it was fine, beside their training right now, it wouldn't hurt, it's not like you'll be there forever just for a week," He said.

"Ok, so when we're going?" I asked.

"Well, I have work and I only have one ticket for tonight," He said.

"What?" I said.

"Don't worry about it, they still have your room and I packed everything you need, and look at your already dress and the bus comes in an hour, let's go," He said.

We got on the car and went to the bus stop it all went so fast that he took my phone.

"Hey!" I said.

"What! I'm am just making sure you don't use your phone when you're with your grandpas. I packed your iPad, here you can have my phone, I'll call you when you get there, there's your ticket you know how to get there, get on the bus, bye." He said.

He leaves before I can say anything and I sat my ass down, he did just get rid of me.

Now here I am getting snacks that the near by deli while waiting for the next bus in the middle of nowhere that I know. I would walk around but that would stupid thing to do, and I'm pretty sure dad is counting down the time to when I step foot in California. A lot things hit me when riding the bus, I didn't even say bye to my friends, my girlfriend, Adrian or my other grandparents, if has almost like dad didn't want anyone to know. What am I talking about? Of course he didn't want them to know, Dad found out, I'm so stupid. He even packed a back up charger in my bag, he left me cash and I guess important documents, not that he need to, he must have send money or clothes to my grandparents. They probably know everything and I'm in so much trouble. Once I finally got to there, dad called me.

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