My brother

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Am not going to lie but Victor probably doesn't know when he asleep his eyes turn silver. I only found out about this because before I was about to asleep he got up half asleep. His eyes were half open but I saw the glowing silver eyes. In fact, I freak out a little, I admit it. I went over to him and open his eyelid and the brown eyes were now silver and glowing with a red ring inside them. I explained it to grandma as soon as we left.

"Sliver eyes that glow?" She said.

"Yeah," I said.

She had a face that scared me a bit.

"There one man I know who has those eyes your grandfather." She said.

"But isn't grandpa a half vampire," I asked.

"Yes but I don't know the red ring around his pupil can be. One thing is sure of is that he's doing it subconsciously, it has nothing to do whether it's night or day." She said.

"But it fine...right?" I asked.

"No, it not there will be a day when Victor may do it in the middle of the day. Now imagine that I don't think everyone is not going to notice that." She said.

"Grandma I have a question if a vampire is to reveal our existence get put to death what about Victor who can't even be considered one," I said.

"He will most likely, no matter what will be killed and anything about him will be erased from this world."She said.

"For now we wait and see if he does anything else."

"Yes," I said. I was worried, how could I not be, my older brother who I just meet might not be there for long. I got a call from my mother who I never told her about being with grandma, and she found out.

"Adrian! Young vampire you in so much trouble!" She yelled over the phone.

" I never get to go traveling," I said.

"Don't you mom, me! I am your mother don't forget your place. Am very cross with you!" She yelled.

"I know am sorry," I said.

"Sorry, your butt cuz as soon as you come back am giving you a beating of a lifetime!" She hangs up.

"So how was your mother," Grandma asked.

"Uh, I don't want to go back until she calms down." I said. Grandma smiled,

"Ha! She used to give me the same thing, karma is a bitch." She said.

"Really!?" I asked.

"Oh, she was going to college but became completely starstruck by your father. She wouldn't come back home for days just to get close to him." She said.

Huh. That doesn't sound like her, but I guess. I mean now that I think about it why hasn't my father remarried, I mean it something a lot of people do. Victor even told me he been trying to get his father to go on dates, but ever works out. My dad is someone who I want to talk to but for now, I just get to see him around.

I wonder what are Amelia and Ethan doing right now and Carter their brother who I see has an older brother before Victor. I wouldn't want them to meet him, I love them but they really, how should I even put this? Carter looks down on humans a lot and Amelia and Ethan also see humans the same way. A lot of vampires are like that, I was like that I, admit it, but grandma I guess didn't want me to be that way. She was right because if I was like that, I wouldn't want to meet Victor or my father.

Victor honestly is great he so nice and everything you would expect from an older brother, then the idea of mom and me coming back and being a family again is inviting. But now is not possible, right now it just baby steps which sound so hopeful. Mom needs to come here, Dad will need to forgive her, Victor need to find out what he is. I already know how to get mom there and I need to wait for Victor and has for Dad, I hope he doesn't reacts badly to it. I went over to my coffin, oddly I didn't miss it that all. I don't even feel homesick that all, thanks to Victor I feel that is summer is going to be fun.

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