Till Death Do Us Apart

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For Zahra, I love you.


This book contains Muslim characters but is not meant to be an accurate description of Islam in its entirety.

all quotes are given due credit.

The main character of this book is named after a dear friend of mine, Zahra Mohammed Ahmad and because it's easier for me to use her actual family members' names rather than think of new ones, that's what I'll be doing but The events of the book are entirely fictional. Any resemblance to actual events is purely coincidental.

[extended blurb]

Zahra Mohammad lived a mundane life until Imran Saleem shows up on her door with a proposal and a promise to love her, turning her world upside down.

The last thing Zahra expected was a proposal, especially when it came from Imran, a complete stranger. When Zahra accepts his proposal, the most she hoped to have with him was a happy, peaceful marriage, instead she gets something even better-love; but when life takes a turn for the worst, will love be enough to make them withstand the storm?

Only time will tell.


old draft: 24th December, 2018

current draft: 28th August, 2020


[author's note]

welcome to my first novella!
(it might become a novel, who knows)

thank you all for coming here with me. My darling readers, dedications are not enough these days for me to appreciate you all ♡ just know that all my words are sprinkled with fairy dust to sweep you off your feet and they're all laced with love for you ♡

I have had this story in my head for the longest time now, it's a lot more complex (surprisingly) and deals with more sensitive issues than Tales From Hell, but it's a novella and it has just eighteen chapters, so it's going to be updated faster than Tales From Hell (I make no promises, I do have school so updates might be irregular)

also, remember that book titles matter a lot :) I know it doesn't make sense now but you'll see.

I still have no concept of time (in real life and in writing) so I might never actually mention which year/years this book happens in. That being said, if you see something about 2020, Corona never happened (or maybe I'll put something about it, I'm still undecided)

As always, when I'm writing a book, I divide it into three parts to make it seem less bulky for me and to help me not procrastinate (basically, it's a thing i do) and I have just two chapters left to finish the first part of this book. I'm not going to start posting (or maybe I will, I'm spontaneous so it depends on my mood) until I'm done with the first part.

without further ado, I give you Till Death Do Us Apart.

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