"Lay Low"

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Although Kara was nearly 3 months pregnant now, it didn't stop her from going out and fighting criminals and other aliens.

It was an average Tuesday at the DEO, a robbery, a car chase, both stopped by Supergirl. But, there was something fishy going on in an abandoned warehouse. Where else would something fishy and illegal be happening? Alex and Kara went to check it out. People who were regulars at the bar had been going out and coming back very hurt the next day, or just not coming back period.

When the Danvers sisters got there, they found a fight club. They watched from the back for a while until things in the ring were getting too intense for comfort. Kara ran forward. Alex tried to grab her, but it was too late. Roulette, the runner of the club, grabbed Kara first and pushed her into the ring instead. She was faced with a 7-foot tall alien gladiator. Kara isn't the type to chicken out. Ever. So she ran at him, he took hold of her cape and flung her around a few times and body slammed her to the floor. Kara groaned and clutched her abdomen in pain. The massive gladiator walked out of the ring and Alex ran in to her sister's aid.
"Kara, are you okay?" Alex asked frantically.
"Yeah, I'm okay, I think." Kara replied trying to sit up, but Alex forced her back down.
"I'll help you up and back to the car. I don't want you to hurt yourself." Said Alex.
"I know you don't." Kara said grudgingly.
"Hey, I'm trying to help. Come on, give me your hand." Kara reluctantly gave Alex her hand. Alex put Kara's hand on her shoulder and helped her sister to the car.

Once they were back to the DEO, Alex immediately rushed Kara in to get a scan and run some tests to make sure Kara and the baby were both okay.
"Is the baby okay?" Kara asked worriedly.
"You and the baby are both fine." Said Alex. Kara sighed in relief. Alex continued, "And I don't feel like this needs to be said, but maybe fighting a 7-foot tall gladiator while pregnant isn't the greatest idea in the world." Kara interrupted, "I know but-" But Alex cut back in, "Listen, I don't think you should be in the field anymore until this baby comes."
"Fine. I'll lay low for the next six months." Said Kara unenthusiastically.

Alex took Kara back to her loft. She was going to stay, but she got called back to the DEO by Winn.
"What's he saying?" Asked Kara. Hoping she wouldn't be left alone.
"Look I have to go. I'll keep you updated." Alex said closing the door behind her. Kara sighed and flopped down on the couch and turned on the TV.
"I. Am. So. Bored."

~5 months later~

Alex, James and Winn cane over for dinner one night. Kara was now about 7 and a half months pregnant and bored out of her mind. They brought potstickers, Kara's favorite. They watched some TV and the food was nearly gone, and Alex asked, "How've you been feeling lately?"
"I'd be feeling a whole lot better if I had that last potsticker in my mouth." Kara replied. Alex rolled her eyes and handed it to her. "Fine." Kara smiled, chuckled to herself and ate the last potsticker. Immediately after they finished eating, they set up Settlers of Catan at the table. They'd only been playing for a few minutes when Alex got called in by J'onn. Kara enviously watched her sister leave to go and fight while she was stuck inside. "Ughhhh!" Kara said frustratedly to the table under her breath. "What?" Said James worriedly. "I hate being trapped in my loft!" Kara yelled. She pointed at the TV saying, "Look! I could've ended that car chase an hour ago! But look, it's still going on! I could've already had them at the station!" Winn stepped in saying, "But you can't. You could really hurt yourself if you do." "But I could." Kara retorted. "But you won't!" Said James, "This is why we shouldn't have the news on in the first place. Focus on the game." Kara tried to focus but she couldn't do it. Instead she just said goodbye to the boys. Shut the door behind them. Put on her pajamas and went to bed.

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