Friendly duels, dimensional invasions and old friends

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(Cue the song whenever you want and this chapter is dedicated to Archfiend_Dragon )

Third P.O.V

The night Y/n vanish Sam, Nicolas, Ruby and Akiza went looking for him but to no luck and now it's the next day of Declan tournament and now Nicolas is looking for a opponent to face off against.

"I wonder were Sam, Ruby, Akiza or Y/n is for this duel tournament I would like to go up against them but I feel sorry for anyone that goes up against Akiza I just hope no one makes her mad" Nicolas talk to himself and then he saw Sam up ahead and he wave at Sam who wave back at him.

"Hey Nic, have you seen Y/n I though he be here?" Sam ask Nicolas and Nic shook his head for no, Both duelist are wondering were Y/n could have gone to and a idea came to Sam in a attempt to get Y/n to reveal himself.

"I got a idea how about we duel and hopefully it will draw Y/n out to us then we can talk to the guy" Sam suggest to Nicolas who though about it and he nodded at Sam agreeing wit the idea.

"Let's duel!" Both Sam and Nicolas draw five cards and prepare to duel.

Sam life points: 8000
Nicolas life points: 8000

"I will start things off by summoning out my Blue eyes alternative by revealing a blue eyes in my hand" Sam dragon appears on the field and roars "then I will set two cards face down and end my turn your move" Sam turn ends and unknown to both dueliest a young man is watching a duel.

"My turn I draw" Nicolas draws a card and looks at it and then at his hand " since you control a monster I can summon out Michion, The Timelord" a giant red, gold and silver floating giant appear on Nicolas side of the field.

"What in the hell?! That thing is huge as a building! But why are it's attack points zero?" Sam exclaimed and question at the site of Nicolas monster and the person watching the duel steps out of the shadows and continues to watch the duel unfold.

"NOW GO MICHION ATTACK HIS DRAGON! TIMELESS FIST!" Nicolas pull its hand back and it hits Sam dragon but it is not destroyed and neither is Nicolas monster.

"Why was your monster not destroyed and why did you not take damage?" Sam question Nicolas and he saw his life go from 8000 to 4000 "and why are my life points drop to 4000?" Sam look confuse by this.

Sam life points: 8000 to 4000

"It's very simple Michion ability, see it can't be destroy by battle or card effects and after it attacks a opponent directly or there monster your life points are cut in half and I take no damage, I will set one card face down and end my turn" A card appears behind Nicolas Timelord and his turn end, the person watching the duel was flipped onto there back and the person look to see Y/n stood over them.

"Don't you know it's rude to spy on another person duel" Y/n told the person before that person kick him the gut making let go and that person flip onto there feet and show there face to Y/n, the person was a girl.

"Don't you know it's rude to spy on another person duel" Y/n told the person before that person kick him the gut making let go and that person flip onto there feet and show there face to Y/n, the person was a girl

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Heroic Heart ( Male Reader x Lulu) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang