Chapter 9

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:hey guys just realised I had this chapter up on quotev and forgot to put it up on here oops:

:I edited my spelling mistakes but I didn't save everyone so some may still be in here so just tell me if there are: 

surprisingly I had dreamless sleep, I woke up on the couch next to a snoring, drawling Percy. "Percy wake up! we got to get ready for school" I shock him, He looked at me dazed for a second then finally got up "are Jason and piper up yet?" he asked I shrugged my shoulders an checked the time "school starts in 15 minutes" I heard piper say. Her and Jason where already ready "when did you two get up?" Percy asked "a while ago but piper didn't want to wake you both up" I shock my head jokingly and laughed. We arrived at the school and all decided to ask around to find out more things about these to superheroes. As we walked inside I saw  marinette and Ayla who where both sitting on some steps "lets see if they know anything" I suggested. "Hey merinette.  Alya" piper smiled "oh, hey!" she jumped hiding the magazine she was looking at "how you liking the school so far" Alya asked "its great but.." I started, merinette looked at me quizzically "what? what's wrong?" she asked "we just got a big shock yesterday, do you guys know anything about these super heroes" Jason finished. Alyla looked at merinette then at us and smiled "hey its all good, I understand being freaked out but your safe with ladybug and cat noir around" she showed us a picture of the two super heroes flying over Paris "Do you no who they are under the mask?" piper asked "ha I wish! you should like totally check out my lady blog you'll find out everything you need to know" we smiled and took the other merinette looked uncomfortable when we started grilling alya for questions about the super heroes identities. "so I guess we will have to try and figure out who these supper heroes are on our own then" Percy said but piper interrupted "I could sense something strange about merinette and that other boy yesterday...I thing they are hiding something" she raised an eyebrow, we looked back over at merinette and Alyla who where both talking an laughing like  normal teenagers.

Both me and Alyla sat looking at a book filled with the precious pictures that was Adrien. How perfect could this ray of sunshine be?! I sighed dreamily "isn't he just the best?" I asked alyla who responded with a laugh, just then the four exchange students walked up to us "hey merinette, Alyla' the brown headed girl, piper said. I jumped up and put the magazine behind me "oh hey!" I waved "how you liking school so far?" alyla asked. The exchange students explained how yesterdays akuma attack scared them I felt bad and was going to offer some help though I wasn't sure how but the piper asked something else "Do you no who is they are under the mask?" she asked. If Alya really knew who ladybug was...well I have know idea... it was already tiring enough to keep Alya off my back so I didn't need these four. "ha I wish! you should like totally check out my lady blog you'll find out everything you need to know" Alyla laughed I gave a nervous chuckle and avoided the girl Pipers stare. They walked off whispering and I heaved a heavy sigh. During class misses m got as to gather into our groups, I tried to hold back my excitement as I watched Adrien put on his glasses "merinette snap out of it" Alya snapped her fingers "you're dripping acid everywhere girl" she laughed I rubbed my head and laughed "my bad." "hey merinette could you pass me the measuring cylinder?" Adrien asked I smiled and nodded "sure Adrien" I grabbed it but it slipped out of my hands I yelped and tried to make a grab for it but Adrien caught me from face planting and caught the glass measuring cylinder with the other hand "whoa you alright there?" he laughed, I starred into is eyes and laughed it of "thanks, I-I'm fine." Finally we finished the experiment and pink goo came poring out of the test tube "wooohooo we did it!" I high fived Alyla and nino and Adrien fist bumped. Miss m came around the each table "hmm lets see what everybody has here, Kim, max and Nathaniel...A...Adrien, Alya, nino and merinette A" we all cheered and high fived "luckily we had your smart thinking merinette" Adrien winked at me and my heart melted

sorry for the slow update! enjoy this chapter!

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