chapter 5

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Annabeth POV: The test wasn't that hard basically about the history of France and poets. I hoped the girl that had gotten in trouble was ok, once the majority of people where finished i collected Percy's paper along with mine and handed it to piper who past it to Jason. Ayla turned around and smiled "so what part of America did you all come from?" she smiled "well we all came from different parts but became friends and met in a summer camp" i explained Marinette smiled sweetly "wow, cool a summer camp sounds really fun!" both Percy and i nodded all of a sudden the walls exploded blue and white sparks flew everywhere climbing up the broken walls and rocks, everyone dived to the ground. I looked up in shock "is everyone ok!" the teacher yelled a deep chuckling echoed around us for a scary second i thought maybe a monster had followed us! by now everyone was crowded against the wall, the teacher stood in front of us suddenly a figure came through the dust. My head tried to comprehend what i was seeing this was no Greek monster, it had pale pink skin, electric puffed up black hair, pure sky blue eyes with a single black dot in the center, a evil smile and long green fingers. It looked like it had a white and black jump suit molded into its skin. The hideous creature held a long blue stick and a bag around its waist. I looked at Percy, Jason and piper who looked as freaked out as i was.

"Kim!" its voice sounded female and familiar but had a cold tone to it. The jock whimpered and hid behind his friend who had much darker skin compared to the tanned boy "please don't hurt me!" he yelled i couldn't help but think how paretic he was but even i was scared who was this THING "oh I'm not going to hurt you..." she\ whatever it was gave a sly smile, what seemed like seconds she ripped out a peace of paper from her bag and flipped her stick so the ink splattered on the card, the card then hit Kim and his eyes darkened than electricity sizzled up him., the creature grabbed him and smashed through the other wall "students go home now for your own safety!" the teacher yelled and everyone bolted. "what was that?" i asked Niño has i ran beside Percy ,Jason and piper behind us "A akumatized victim don't you guys no about them? they are victims of hawk moth!" Niño panted. We all ran into a side ally to catch our breath i could here sounds of cars crashing and distant yelling "any one no what the heck just happened!?" Jason asked. i wish i had a answer. "n-no i just want to no what that was!" piper held her hand to her camp half-blood neck lace "Niño said it was akumatized victim of? some guy named hawk moth..." Percy looked up at the sky too shocked to joke about the name hawk moth. "We need to stop whatever it is before it hurts that boy and everyone else in Paris" i said positively just than i heard the sound of wire scrapping against meatal it came from above us, I looked up and saw a girl in a leather latex red suit with black dots and blue black hair running across the roofs of Paris and swung from different buildings using something that looked like a yo-yo "lets follow that poka doted girl" Percy gapped.

AN: Thank you for anyone who reads this and enjoys this story. I originally wrote this on Quotev 

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