♡ Chapter 2 ♡

Start from the beginning


We get pulled into the dining room with Scrooge, Ms B and Donald. Ms B and Scrooge are at one end of the room with something covered by a tarp. The rest of us are at the other end of the dining table, talking away. Webby, Dewey and Huey were at the head of the table, while Donald, Louie and I were on the left. Everyone goes silent as Scrooge bangs his cane on the tarp.

"Alright. Time for some house rules" Scrooge says, taking off the tarp to reveal a blackboard with two rules on it. "Rule one. My space is my space. My study, my sleeping quarters" Donald Rolls his eyes. "My washroom. Rule two. Defer to Mrs Beakley for all succulent rules. Im happy to have you here, as long as it in no way inconveniences me. Good day" Scrooge walks out the room.

"This may be Mr McDuck's mansion but its my house, so" Mrs B says and turns the board around to reveal a lot more rules. "My house rules. Exhaustive, comprehensive, where are you going?" Donald was now up and going to leave the room.

"I've got some vegetables to wash!" He says, holding up a bag.

"I'm not sure washing those will do much, considering they already seem rotten" I say under my breath. Louie starts quietly snickering. I guess he heard me. No one else did and no one takes notice to Louie. Mrs Beakley continued to address Donald.

"Rule 58. If you need something, ask for permission first" Mrs B says to him.

"Hear that boys? Ask for permission" Donald says in our direction.

"Rule #23. No one is above the rules, Donald" Mrs B says, pointing to a circled rule in the middle of the board. It does say that, Donald is even underlined. "If you had simply asked for assistance we could have avoided what I refer to as, the undergarment incident"

Everyone on the table starts laughing. That was so funny. "I can take care of myself!" Donald says and Mrs B walks up to him.

"That is not your decision to make" Beakley says. "You live here, you answer to me!"

"I answer to no one!!!" Donald yells. Their faces get really close, glaring at each other.

"Wait, are they gonna kiss?" Louie asks and everyone ews and ughs at them. I just roll my eyes. So what if they kissed?

"Outside. Now!" They both say sternly, causing us to run outside.

"Death Darts was fun!" Webby says, falling a little behind the rest of us.

"Again. Just supposed to be Darts" Louie says and Webby runs ahead of us, blocking the path.

"So watcha wanna play next?" She asks. "Mystery Murder Island? CannonBall Fury!?"

"How about a nice, safe nap?" Huey asks.

"Yeah, I think he might be a little mentally scarred from Darts" I add.

"I can still feel the fear" He whispers.

"Oh! How about Sacky Sack?" She asks, pulling a little sack from her bag. She kicks it and Dewey has to knock Huey out the way so it doesnt hit him, and instead goes through the tree right next to Louie, knocking it over.

"Orrr, we can go have some real fun" Louie says.

"You mean?" Dewey asks.

"I do dear Dewford" Louie says.

"Its time for Funso's Funzone!" All three brothers say excitedly.

"Oh I love that place!" I say excitedly.

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