Chapter 4: .:Infectious Smiles:.

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*Skipping the plane journey cause yanno they suck*

I stepped off of the plane and walked into the airport with a huge smile on my face. 'Dallas smells different.' I thought. I whizzed through security and grabbed my luggage, off to find Brandon. He was picking me up from the airport. I stepped into the airport lobby, scanning the room for Brandon. Before I actually spotted Brandon, I spotted his messy scrawl that was barely legible on a piece of card that I just made out to say "Beth Hoover, you smell!" I chuckled to myself and headed for the sign, Brandon's figure being more recognisable, the closer I got.
Brandon had the hugest smile on his face and the closer I got to him the bigger my own grew.

"Hey! How are you?" I smiled at my cousin as he pulled me in for a hug. "I'm good thanks, we should probably go." He smiled back, tacking my luggage from me. "Why so sudden?" I chuckled. "Well yoooou..." He said poking my chest, "have somewhere to be." I laughed before asking. "Where and why?"

"You're going to meet Dave and you two are going to fix up your problems and then spend a week building up your friendship!" Brandon beamed as I sighed. "Let's get this over with."

Brandon drove me to a Starbucks, where I was meeting Dave and drove off with my luggage back to the house. I sat in a corner booth and ordered myself a drink, waiting for Dave. He was supposed to get here before I did.

I was almost at the bottom of my drink when Dave finally walked through the door. I smiled, he had gotten really hot since before I last saw him, but me being me didn't notice when I stormed off at Slam Dunk. He smiled at me and walked over and my heart skipped a beat. "Hi." I said, rather awkwardly. "Beth, I'm sorry, for everything. I promise never to abandon you again. In my defence, the band took off so fast and I couldn't keep up with it all but that's not the point. I missed you so much and I'm sorry the band tore us apart. I don't want that to ever happen again." He sighed once he'd finished.

I stood up and gestured for Dave to do so as well. Then I hugged him, for the first time in forever and it was perfect. "I missed you too, but I'm glad I have my best friend back."

[A/N]: Sorry this took so long, I only just got my inspiration back. But anyway, enjoy!

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