"Ugh!" I groaned and grabbed his arm, pulling him off my bed.  "Get the hell out!"

"My room is right next door," he replied.  "I was just coming over to tell you that Louis and I are sending Jasper out to get us some food.  Would you like anything?"

"I would like you out of my room!" I said, pulling him towards the door.

"Fine, fine," he shrugged.  "Forget I offered,"

I slammed the door behind him and let out an extremely aggrivated groan.  Who the hell does he think he is?  You don't just go barging into people's rooms and make yourself comfortable on their bed! Is he insane? 

As I pulled my clothes on, I couldn't help but think about how much I wish I would've just slapped him.  Not only am I stuck out here with these boys, now I have to contantly worry about whether or not one of them is just going to barge into my room in the middle of the night.


Harry's POV:

Okay, so maybe I shouldn't have went into her room.   What's the big deal though? I didn't see anything!  I figured that maybe she would be hungry after such a long flight.  Ontop of that, I still felt really bad about knocking her down earlier.  She really didn't need to freak out so badly.

I walked back into me and Louis' room, finding Louis sitting on the edge of his bed playing on his phone. 

"That girl," I said, shaking my head.

"Bitch?" Louis raised an eyebrow.

"That's a pretty strong word," I replied.  "She just has a hard shell,"

"Oh dear," he looked up with the familiar look on his face.  "Don't do it, Hazza,"

"Do what?"  my lips formed into a crooked smile.

"Don't give me the smile!"

"What smile?" I said with a chuckle, innocently waving my arms.

Louis' gave me a look, somehow reminding me of the looks my mother would give me when she knew I was up to something.  "Hazza...just, don't do it,"

Before I could say anymore, the door flung open.  Louis' face lit up as he jumped up.  "MY BEST GIRLS!"

I turned around to find Kayln and Katelyn.   Yes, their names are very much alike.  The girls hae been working with our management team for a little over 3 months now.  They mostly handle our meet and greets, but help with various other things.

The girls quickly hugged Louis and laid down the bags they had in their hands.

"What's all this?" I raised an eyebrow, peeking into one of the shopping bags.

"Oh, we had to go shopping.  My boyfriend realized that he didn't pack any socks," Katelyn replied.

"What about your boyfriend?" Niall entered the room, Zayn close behind him.

"Oh, I was just telling the boys how smart you were to forget to pack essential items,"

"I'm sure he packed plenty of pringles, though," I smirked, throwing myself onto my bed, laying flat on my back.

"Okay, I get it.  Let's all pick on Niall," he gave me a playful glare. "Cunt,"

"Awww, baby," Katelyn pecked a kiss on his lips.  "It's okay,"

"What'd you get me?" Zayn asked, wrapping his arms around Kaylyn from behind. 

"All my love and affection," she smirked.

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