Beacons Shadow Part 1

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(y/n) POV

Its been about three months since I had been assigned my team. My team consisted of Me, Lucinda who now uses a large spear called Masquerade and a second spear similar to Negistigma, being that its made from Lady Salem's magic, called Grimm Shadow, although she never uses it. She just keeps it in one of my voids. Then we have Arron Atoms, he uses a great sword that can dis attach and become two duel weldable swords, two pistols, or one duel bladed sword, he called it storm since he used his lightning semblance in tandem with his swords. And finally there is Rose Scarlet, but we all call her the Scarlet Rose to get on her nerves, she was an attractive girl but Lucinda had her beat in the looks department or at least that's what I thought, she used a shotgun with a retractable katana blade called Barrel Break. Arron's combat gear was a non electrical conducting kevlar type armor and a matching pair of gloves. Rose's  combat gear left little to the imagination, she wore a black bikini top, a black leather jacket that she only zipped up to gust below her breasts, a pair of ripped jeans. Lucinda took a page from mom's book and wore a beautiful black and silver combat dress. As for me well I took a page from dad and copied his outfit but replaced the red cape with black, I wore the necklace mom had gotten  me when I was little and had the necklace Aunt Raven gave me added to it, I also wore the bracelet Winter had given to me for my birthday last year, It was the chain from Mistralchain made into a bracelet.

In the three months Arron and Rose had gotten together four times and when he wasn't with Rose Arron would be flirting with Lucinda. She always turned him gown though, but last night I could have sworn I heard faint noises coming from Aaron's bed, but I decided not to look into that just yet. I was to worried about my girlfriend Blake she and I had been dating for almost two months now and we still haven't had our first kiss yet. I loved Blake and I wanted to introduce her to mom, but I couldn't or at least Lady Salem said I couldn't.

I had to get ready for tonight, it was already six thirty and I was going to pick Blake up at eight, and meet Aaron and Rose at the restaurant for a double date, Aaron's idea, I got ready as fast as I could and opened a void to the team RWBY dorm room. I knocked on the door and Blake opened it wearing a stunning black dress. "Ready to go babe?" I asked as she took my hand and nodded. I opened a void to the restaurant and actually beat Aaron and Rose even though they left an hour before us or so I thought. I saw Aaron's car parked in the parking lot, but it was shaking and I thought someone was trying to steal it so I drew Neo Shadow Fang, after Shadow Fang was destroyed during training I had gotten an even stronger dagger.

 I saw Aaron's car parked in the parking lot, but it was shaking and I thought someone was trying to steal it so I drew Neo Shadow Fang, after Shadow Fang was destroyed during training I had gotten an even stronger dagger

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with it I could channel my voids into the blade and fire them as ranged attacks.

I ran to the car Neo Shadow Fang in hand. I thought that I scared off the wanna be car thief, but the car was still shaking then I looked in the back seat and saw Aaron and Rose having sex in the car.

I knocked on the window with my dagger "Aaron put your dam pants back on and Rose you really lowered the bar didn't you." I said as I walked away. They came over to Blake and I about three of four minutes later with embarrassed looks on their faces. "What happened to you guys is everything ok?" Blake asked i place my hand on her shoulder and whispered in her ear "I'll tell you later" and she nodded and we all walked into the restaurant together.

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