A grin spread out on my lips before going on my tippy toes to give him a kiss. However, before they were close to touching, Lucas placed his hand on my forehead before pushing me away.

He tsked, and my eyes narrowed. "Come on Hope, your breath smells like someone took a shit in your mouth but left it rotting inside for weeks," he said, and I rolled my eyes, not offended.

Usually every time we slept together, we come up with a metaphor for how the others breath smells like. I'm just too lazy to come up with it now.

Which is why I didn't retort before heading to the bathroom to get ready.

When I walked back to the room in a rush, I stopped my steps as I watched Lucas eye the light grey dress on the bed before looking back to me lustfully.

I rolled my eyes with a smile before heading to the drawer to put on my black sweatpants over my shorts.

I turned back to him once I was dressed, but when I saw him staring at me with desire, I bit my lower lip. "Wear it now," he demanded, and I laughed before walking in front of him.

"You'll see me wearing it in a few hours," I whispered as I touched his hard chest, referring to our graduation ceremony that's starting at five.

Lucas grabbed a hold of my waist before bringing his lips to mine for a soft kiss. "See you soon," he said quietly, and my heart rate increased, wanting to stay with him longer to continue what we did last night.

But alas, I knew if I wasn't in Lauren's house any time soon, I wouldn't be graduating.

Mainly because she would kill me.

Moving away from him, I put my dress in the garment bag before heading to the front door of his room.

Before I left, I looked over my shoulder and smirked before blowing him a kiss.

He smiled once more, and I took that as my cue to leave as my chest began to flutter.

After my twenty minute drive from Lucas' house, I was parked outside of Lauren's house.

Closing the door to my black Lexus car, I made sure I didn't forget anything inside before walking up the few steps to Lauren's house.

Apparently, my dad had hidden a secret account from me that contained the money my mom and him planned on giving me when I was eighteen.

But, I wanted to work for my money, so I got a job at a clothing store last summer and began saving up to buy my own car.

The thought of my dad reminded me that I had to send him a picture of me in my graduation get-up.

Holding my dress with one hand, I knocked on the door with the other.

In a matter of seconds, the door was thrown open, revealing Anna standing in front of me with her hair freshly cut.

It took Lauren and I awhile to get used to the shoulder length hair she opted to, but after a week, you get used to it.

Her green eyes brightened when she saw me just as I caught movement behind her.

Jason stood next to her and smiled when he spotted me by the front porch. "Hey Em, you girls about to get ready?"

I lifted my dress up as an answer, and he laughed before facing Anna.

"See you later ginger," he said with a whisper, and I rolled my eyes at his nickname for her.

Anna continued to argue that her hair wasn't red, but ginger, so Jason decided to call her that because he knew how much she hated being referred to as a redhead.

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