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Tony observed the group of fugitives that not so long ago, he would have considered as friends. They were the ones responsible for Peter's arrest...

"What are you doing here." Tony said in a cold voice. Steve stood up.
"Peter has been living with us, we know everything now."

Tony looked away. This is the man that caused him so much pain, and it's his fault his son was arrested. But it's not. He can't blame Steve for what happened to Peter. That was all his own doing. If he hadn't yelled at Peter that night, or even basically lead the cops right to him, none of this would have happened.

Tony looked up with glistened eyes.
"I-I need to get him back. He's all I have."

The team looked at Tony, and for the first time they saw his heart. Tony cared about Peter, more than he cared about himself. And they understood that now, since they did as well.

"Tony, I'm sorry for how things happened between us. Please, let's try to work together to get Peter back." Steve said sadly.

This was all Tony had wanted since after the war, was his friends back together. Of course he would forgive them, especially if it meant saving Peter from whatever interrogation he's being put through.

"Let's get our boy back."


Peter sat on a chair, with his cuffs attached to the metal table in front of him. He could easily break out of these, but the amount of people with guns just outside the door, would certainly stop him before he got very far.

A tall skinny man walked into the room. Peter had no clue who these guys were. Probably CIA or something. All he knew, was that he couldn't give up his family, at any cost.

The man sat across from Peter.
"Listen kid, we don't want to put you in a cell, but if we have to we will. So why don't you just tell us where the fugitives are now." The man said.

Peter looked at him and raised his eyebrows.
"Yea I don't think so bud." He said. The man glared at him.

"Did you know harbouring information about government fugitives is a hefty crime? Your age won't matter here. You'll be sent to a federal prison in the middle of the ocean for the rest of your life."

Peter gulped slightly. He knew what place this man was talking about, it's where his family was held.

"Isn't that place for like superheroes?" Peter asked annoyed. The man smirked. Peter felt a shiver from the cold smile.

"You're right, usually it is. But in this case, you were technically involved with fugitive enhanced beings, therefore you qualify for maximum level imprisonment. Even your daddy can't break you out of one of those kid."

Peter looked down. He knew no one would ever find him there. But his dad would figure something out right? Unless he hated him so much that he would just leave him there!?

"So, what do ya say kid? Tell me where they are, or go to jail for the rest of your worthless life?" The guy asked.

Peter narrowed his eyes as he spoke.
"I will never tell you where they are."

Suddenly, Peter was grabbed by several guards, roughly pushing him out of the room and into another van. So there Peter sat, on his way to The Raft, where, until if his dad saved him, he would be spending the rest of his life.

When they arrived, Peter was shoved into one of the cells. This one he couldn't break out of, even if he tried. And the CIA guys didn't even know he was Spiderman!

Peter sat in his orange prison uniform, on the small cement block they called his bed. He sighed as he leaned his head against the cold wall of the cell.

It was official. Peter Stark was a prisoner at the most secure facility in the United States. And no one knew he was there.


The newly reassembled team sat at one of Tony's highest tech computers as the tried anything to find Peter.

They knew he was sent to prison, but finding which one was the hard part. They searched multiple new prisoner addition lists for all of the prisons around and in New York, but nothing came up. Suddenly, Steve spoke up.

"Tony... what if they took him to the Raft?" He said quietly. Tony spun around in his chair to look at Steve and he shook his head.

"They don't know he has powers, plus he's a minor." He argued. Natasha added in.

"Actually, harbouring information about enhanced fugitives is one of those crimes that ignore age. Plus since he was accounted with us, they have full  clearance to put him there."

Tony sighed and rubbed his temples. He knew they were right. But he didn't want to believe that Peter was being held in one of the most secure places ever. He doubted all the avengers could break in. Steve was just lucky that time.

Clint stood up and addressed the foul mood in the room.
"Listen guys, we all care about Peter, and he sacrificed himself to give us the chance to run, we need to help him now."

Everyone agreed and Tony smiled thankfully at his friends. That's right. They were his friends again, and he was glad that Rhodey, Bruce and Vis were not around at the moment. Especially Vision. For now, it was best they stay out of it.

So that's how they spent the next while, trying to hack into the Raft, to find the young boy that they all loved...

Wow okay lots of updates going on lately. Anyways thanks for reading!
Not much to say sooo ugh bye?

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