Chapter 9 - Here and now

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Notes: Hi guys!!! Got isnpired today, so I decided to write the last chapter today.

Hope u like it!!!

Warning: a bit of M content, but really slightly. 

*There's a short sequel to this story on the Emerald-Steel Collcetion. It's on chapter 55. "Dream On"


Kara and Oliver looked at each other in silence for a few seconds, but it felt like an eternity. Oliver took a deep breath and scratched his forehead, briefly. It was such a surprise for him to learn that the Kara he thought that was from the same Earth he was in, was actually half the Kara from Earth 38, the one he met on an alien invasion, the one that was someone he barely knew, but at the same time he felt like he knew really well. He met a part of her that she suppressed and he had no idea: her wild side. That was the side that didn't care about being ruthless if it was extreme necessary, the side that had no reservations. He also admired the soft and sweet side of her, he knew it: the side that cared about others, and that believed the best in people. He got to know her mind, her body, her kiss. It was all so confusing for him and he wasn't sure if this Kara, now whole again, still felt the same, if she regretted or was embarrassed, if she knew or remembered anything. And for the first time in forever, he felt terrified inside. He didn't want to confront her; he didn't want to talk feelings. He also knew he couldn't run away.

- How are you feeling? – Oliver said a bit unsure.

- To be honest, I feel weird. Is like I spent a lot of time dreaming and now those dreams are memories.

She blushed as she looked into his eyes. Oliver looked with a bit of surprise to her, not expecting to hear what he just heard.

- Memories?

- I remember everything, Oliver.

Oliver felt his heart jump and blinked twice. So she remembered. Now he was even more anxious, because he wanted so badly to know more, but at the same time he was afraid of knowing. He felt like he had lost so much in his life that at this point, he couldn't be any more hurt than he had been in the past.

- Everything?

- Yes. – She took another step closer – And I can tell you I'm just as confused as you are. I had no idea this would be possible, you know, to have a part of you separated from you as another person...

- I can imagine. I... I don't know what to say.

- There's no need for words... - She looked with a sad look at him and turned around, choosing her words carefully. – I mean; it was like we were two different people... You got to live it all with... her? I know it was part of me, but...

- I get what you're saying.

- Exactly – She looked back at him, her hands intertwined together. – I understand, if you don't see me just the same now...

Oliver looked at Kara trying to process what he was hearing. Suddenly he felt like they did not understand each other at all, and he could see why.

- Kara... You and her... Are the same. If I learned one thing all those years is that we are all complex. There's not just a single definition that can label us... We can be naïve and wild, we can be brave and scared, we can be light and darkness... It's not all black and white.

- I know.

- Whatever I saw in her, I can see in you just the same. Because you are the same.

It was Kara's turn to look surprised at Oliver. He had a unique way of looking at things, she knew that. And it made sense somehow. She was about to say something when his phone rang. Oliver apologized and answered it.

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