I gave him a smile and turned the corner. I hear him knock and call for "Mr. Boss Man". Then comes the really fast Italian that will take me decades to understand. I peek my head around the corner and see them going downstairs, so I walk down the hallway trying to get far away from whatever they got going on.

As I head back to my room I hear faint sniffing, already knowing it's A I went to go check on her. The closer I got I noticed that the door was cracked open and A was sitting on the desk with her elbows resting on her knees and face in her hands. I knocked twice and headed inside before she could tell me to leave.

"Hey A..Where's Italian Fabio at? I feel like I should ask him if I have permission to eat or something." I wanted it to seem as if I didn't just hear everything she said earlier. I know once I tell her she's gonna get defensive about and take it out on me. I looked up and noticed she was wiping her eyes and was trying her hardest to hide the fact that she was crying.

"Jesus Aub! Do you ever stop eating?" She says in a broken voice.

"Well you didn't think I got fat from eating salads and kale all day did you?" I said jokingly to somewhat clear the tension in this room.

"Well you should try it sometime, but just go downstairs to the kitchen. Most of the guys left anyway." She said as she rolled her eyes.

I nodded my head and took a few steps towards the door and turned to see her staring into dead space.

"A?.. You good??"

She gets taken out her trance and glares at me with her eyes flooded with tears.

"Yeah..why do you ask?" She says while trying not to pay notice to tears falling down her face.

"Come on A.. what's up?" I say a little more sincere so she doesn't get angry. The room goes silent for a couple seconds. She lays back on the desk and starts laughing while tears are coming out.

" Aub, my life is shit. I'm fucking tired of running from everything or everyone because of what I was raised into."

"Aella.. I-" before I could finish she swiftly sits back up,

"No Aubrey, for once just shut the fuck up and listen..just listen with no bullshit ass comment of how sorry you are or a half ass excuse of you having no idea how I feel because I know you don't" She says in a exhausted tone. I sit on the chair across from her to give her some space, and do the gesture of zipping my mouth shut, locking it, and throwing the key. Getting ready to hear everything come out. No secrets, no yelling. Just a sincere conversation. She takes a deep breath so she can calm herself down.

After a couple minutes of her composing herself, she finally broke the silence

"Growing up, we never really settled in places. My dad would always move us around. We would go from being in Italy one week, to moving to new york, to chicago, to all around the world. " She makes a gesture with air quotations when she says dad.

"About a year into finally settling in San Francisco, I was forced to go back to my hometown, Italy, of course I didn't want to go back but I couldn't disobey my "dad", but after much convincing, and beatings, we made a deal that I would be able to stay but I would have to visit Italy as much as I could, this mainly consisting of 5-6 times a year, which lead to me missing most of the school year, surprisingly I graduated high school." she took a deep breath and stared off into the distance, forcing herself to talk.

"High school was a very bad time in my life. I was forced into things I didn't want to be in, I had to do things I didn't want to do, I lived a life that wasn't mine anymore. My hands are not the cleanest Aub. I've done things that I regret, that I wish I could take back. I lived day by day in fear waiting for the worst. I tried my hardest to push you away, to push anyone away from getting close. I needed to protect you, you had a good life and I didnt want that to be taken away from you, so I hung out with people my "dad" approved. Well more like they worked for my "dad" or their parents worked for my "dad". I had to prove myself to him, which is why I got into fights, each fight was a challenge that was set by him. I fought my way to the top, letting everyone know that I was to not be fucked with. I basically had to become the Alpha, all that to impress my "daddy".

Escape // Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now