0.6// Lucas

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Melody laughed as her phone rang, and she picked it up. She'd literally seen Luke less than an hour ago, how he could still want to talk was beyond her. But Melody ended up talking to Luke all night, until she fell asleep around twelve.

Luke was still awake, so he ended the phone call and stared up at his ceiling. He actually hadn't been just friends with a girl since he was about thirteen, but he hoped he could keep the just friends thing up with Melody. He liked being around her, and sure she was hot, but he had this overwhelming sense of wanting to protect her, and Luke being more than friends with her was not the way to do that. Luke was way too much of an asshole for Melody. They could still cuddle and be just friends though, because Luke really liked to cuddle, and Melody was a good cuddler. 

Melody woke up the next morning with her phone stuck to her cheek, and she groaned. She hadn't gotten to put it on the charger because Luke had kept her on the phone until she fell asleep. Melody literally rolled off her bed and changed her clothes. She grabbed a plain white crop top, and legging yoga pants from victoria's secret. She decided, she liked being comfy much more than waking up early and looking nice every day. She walked downstairs to see her father at the kitchen table eating cereal.

"Morning," Melody spoke, and grabbed an apple.

"So that boy?" Her father questioned, raising an eyebrow. Melody knew he was talking about Luke.

"Friend, dad. Nothing more, he's a friend," Melody stated.

"Does he know that?"

"Dad. I promise you, he is just my friend," Melody rolled her eyes. Her father nodded, but still didn't look very convinced.

"Just be careful," he warned. Melody laughed a little, He was acting like Luke was some type of serial killer. She threw her apple away, and grabbed her bag. "Have a good day at school," her dad called as she stepped out the door.

Melody turned the stereo in her car up, and The Wonder Years flooded the space around her. Melody nodded along to the music, she did this every morning to pump herself up for school. It was the only reason she had made it this long. She pulled up and parked in her usual space, she spotted Luke in the parking lot standing with Ashton and Michael. She didn't know if she should go up to them so she kept walking, maybe if Luke saw her he'd call her over. Instead she heard Calum calling her over. He had a huge smile on his face, and Melody maneuvered her way through the parked cars. She'd caught Luke's eye and he was waiting for her to come say hi to him, but she walked over to Calum instead.

"Don't pout, Lucas," Mikey teased.

Ever since Melody had called him Lucas, the boys had increased the use of the name. Luke elbowed Michael in the side, and kept watching Melody. She'd reached Calum and he hugged her and lifted her off the ground, causing her top to ride up even more. Luke played with his lip ring and shoved his hands in his pockets. Luke was jealous, but it was just like friendship jealousy or something. Calum and Melody started walking into the school, and suddenly Luke was very interested in getting to his locker.

Ashton and Michael loudly sighed, but followed their friend anyway. Luke met Calum and Melody at the entrance doors, and Luke smiled down at Melody.

"Mornin' sunshine." He said and wrapped his arms around her tiny body.

"Morning." She smiled, and fixed her shirt. Luke watched her, no matter how much she tried to pull it down it just wasn't working.

Luke placed his arm around her shoulders as they walked through the halls. Melody looked slightly uncomfortable, and Luke thought it was just because Ali might be lurking somewhere. But it wasn't, she was uncomfortable with all the looks she was getting from her classmates. She shied into Luke's side some more, and Luke smiled proudly. He felt like he was showing her off or something, he was so happy to have met her and he wanted to show her off to everyone. Luke almost tripped over his own feet when he saw Ali waiting at his locker. He actually hadn't seen her yesterday, because she was mad at him for making plans without her.

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