Chapter One: Sweets and Simulations.

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"Is this thing on?" The voice of a young male sounded through the large, vacant room.

The boy curiously peered up at the camera. He attempted to touch it, but quickly realized that he couldn't reach. He retracted his hand, sheepishly rubbing the back of his head as a small, nervous smile made its way onto his lips.

"I-I'm Kokichi Ouma," he started, clenching his fists slightly as a tad of confidence began to rise within him. His smile faded, his expression morphing into one of determination. "And I think I would be a perfect addition to Danganronpa!"


On a brisk, chilling winter night, I hurriedly ran back and forth between the kitchen and the front counter, urgently exchanging sweets for cash. Being that we were short staffed that night, I had quite the workload. Nonetheless, I threw on a smile and greeted each customer politely, always sure to deliver their sweets with care. For I knew, I didn't have a choice.

I had a job at a very popular, well-respected bakery that was owned by my family. I had been working at the bakery since I entered high school, and I still retained the job by my twentieth birthday. Though I thoroughly enjoyed baking, I didn't particularly like running the register or dealing with the customers—even though I gave off the illusion that I was skilled at customer service.

When I approached the counter with the current customer's sweets, I heard the store door slowly creak open. Normally, customers would just barge in like it were their own home, but this customer appeared to be new. I narrowed my eyes slightly as I looked towards the door. A person in a baggy, black hoodie entered the store. They faced the floor as they entered the long line of customers—I couldn't see their face at all. I shrugged my shoulders, ignoring the odd feeling in my gut as I returned my attention to the customer before me.

When the stranger in the hoodie finally made it to the front of the line, the strange feeling in my gut still hadn't faltered. I curiously eyed the person, trying to get a look at their face, but to no avail. They held their head low, shoving their hands into their pockets.

"Five chocolate chip cookies and three glazed donuts," the voice that left their lips was low and void of emotion. It sounded a bit familiar, yet also different. Strange.

"Alright, just a moment please," I said, forcing a smile upon my face.

Once I grabbed the arrangement of sweets, I set the bag on the counter. Just when I was about to tell them the total, they snatched the bag off the counter and sprinted towards the door. On impulse, I hurried behind the thief, not thinking things through in the slightest.

"S/N! Cover for me! I'll take care of this!" I yelled as I exited the bakery.

I hurried behind the thief, my breathing becoming rapid as I kept my eyes on the target. As the thief was running, the hood of their hoodie was blown back, revealing the back of their head. I gazed at the person's long, purple locks gliding in the wind. Somehow, I felt like I had seen those same locks years ago, but where? My running slowed a bit as I became distracted by my thoughts, but soon enough I shook my head and charged forward with all my might.

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