t w e n t y

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Isabelle ran and flung her arms around Jason. She was sobbing, and so was he.

Tori was holding Ian close to her side as they watched them hugging and kissing and crying and laughing.

She kissed the top of Ian's head. His green eyes were twinkling with his smile.

Jason let go of Isabelle and spotted Tori and Ian. He jogged over to them.

"Hi, Mrs.Winston. I'm Jason." He held out his hand. Her lips were stretched into a smile and she radiated warmth. Her eyes were green, just like her children's, but her hair was a copper red.

"I know. Welcome to the family."

He laughed as Tori spread her arms to engulf him into a hug.

Isabelle was watching Ingrid. She was sleeping comfortably, with a soft smile on her face. Then she looked at Jason, who was succeeding in buttering up her mother.

Ian was running around, trying to catch a happy little dog.

She gave a contented sigh.

Death, she thought, is not the end. It's merely the beginning of something else.

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