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Alex's POV

Someone knocked on my door and I sighed angrily. "I don't want to talk Charlotte, leave me alone!" I yelled. "I guess you don't want your school work then." I got up from my bed and went to open the door, knowing it wasn't my sister. I opened the door and looked at the person standing outside of my room. "North?" I questioned, taking the binder from her but also wondering how she found my house. I let her into my room, and we sat on the bed.

"How did you know where I live?" I asked. "Markus told me. He couldn't come because his dad found out he snuck out last night and grounded him, so he sent me." North answered. I nodded at her response, upset that Markus got in trouble for coming to see me. We sat in silence for a few seconds before I spoke. "How did you two meet?" I asked. She looked at me and smiled.

"We met last year when he started a club to help those were different. He wanted others to be treated the same way and for people to not judge others. I joined after looking at one of his flyers. Simon and Josh joined too so that's how we all became friends. We go to Markus's house to think of how we're going to get our message across. I say that we should just smack people until they listen, Josh says we should be peaceful and hand out flyers, and the other two are indifferent."

I smiled at the fact that Markus wanted to others to be treated the same and started a club to share his cause. "It's called Jericho, if you want to join." North added. "Sure." I replied. We sat in silence again until North got up and walked to the door. "Well, there's your work, see you whenever." She said, opening the door. "Thank you." I said, getting a smile in return. Before she closed the door, I stood up. "Wait!" I called out. She came back in and looked at me. "Thanks, for not leaving me with Alison." I told her, referring to when Ali told her to leave so she could bully me, but North stayed put.

"No problem." She replied walking out again. "Do you have to go?" I asked. "Maybe we could....talk, or watch tv, if you want? We're friends right?" I asked. North stepped back into the room, sliding her book bag off and setting it next to the door. "I could stay." She said, sitting back on my bed. I smiled, and so did she.

Spencer's POV

I stepped into the house with mom, seeing my older sister on the couch asleep. Mom shook her awake. "Where is your sister?!" She asked frantically. Charlotte looked around then pointed at me. "She's right there! I think it's time to invest in glasses mom." She said laughing. "I meant Alex! You supposed to watch her!" Mom yelled. "She's upstairs!...I think." My sister said uncertainly. "A friend came by to give her schoolwork, I don't think she left." She added.

"What friend?" My mother asked. "I don't know. She was lighter skinned, brown eyes-" "Amber blonde hair?" I asked. "Uh, I think so." Charlotte replies. "It was North, Markus's friend." I said. My mom's eyes went wide. "You let a friend of his alone with her! What if she snuck Alex out of the house while you were asleep!" Mom yelled. We all looked at the stairs as Alex came down. "What's going on?" She asked.

"Is she still here?" Mom asked, referring to North. "Uh yeah, she's upstairs. We were just watching movies-" "Tell her to go home." Mom interrupted. "What?! Why!" My twin yelled. "I don't want you hanging out with her or anymore of Markus's friends." Mom said. "This isn't about him! I'm just hanging out with a friend!" Alex argued. "Well if it's his friend, then no."

"Why do you hate him so much! You let Aria and Spencer be together!" Alex yelled. My mother looked at me, not having known that Aria and I were a couple. She shook her head and looked back at my twin. "That is different!" She yelled. "Why?! Because Aria's a girl? Why do you hate men! You're always against every boy we like!" Alex screamed. "She is right Mom. You give Archer dirty looks every time he visits." Charlotte said. "I just don't want you guys to get hurt like your father hurt me, hurt us!" She said.

We were all silent when Alex spoke up. "Mom....what was that sound we heard that night? When dad left." She asked. "What sound?" Mom questioned. "I-I heard it while I was asleep, then I heard it again, Spencer heard it too." She said, looking at me. I tensed at the memory. "I wasn't sure of what it was back then but I know now. I-It sounded like a gunshot." She said. All of us were looking at our mother now, the color drained from her face. "You told me to take the girls to my dad's but you didn't tell me why." Charlotte said.

"Mom..." I started hesitantly, "D..Did you kill him? Did you kill dad?" My mother looked at me with a look I had never seen before. Her head was slightly down but she looked me in the eyes, giving me my answer. I started at her in disbelief as did Charlotte. I looked at Alex, as tears formed in her eyes and fell like waterfalls. "Why?" I asked. She stood silent. "Why?!" I asked louder, my body was shaking. "He...he was going to take you away from me! I found a contact on his phone, her name was Veronica. She was a lawyer working with your father to take full custody. I couldn't let him do that." She explained.

I shook my head and looked away from her, wishing Aria was next to me at that moment. "I went into his office and took the gun out of the drawer, then went to living room to talk. You girls were all asleep so I took him outside, and shot him in the leg. He told me...that I wouldn't get custody even if he was dead, so I shot him in the head. I called Ted and told him to take you girls in without question and told Charlotte to take you there. I cleaned everything up...and said that he left."

     We were all in tears at this point. For eight years we thought Dad left us, and we find out that our mom killed him. Mom walked out of the house and Charlotte called Archer, crying to him over the phone. Alex went upstairs and I heard her cries. I called Aria and asked if she would stay at my house the night, and she said she would. When she asked what was going on, I simply told her something happened and I needed her. And after that, I really did need her.

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