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Alex's POV

I was seven years old lying in bed. As I slept, a loud BOOM! erupted in the house. I woke up, looking around my room. I climbed out of bed and went to the other side of the room, where Spencer had been sleeping. She didn't seem startled by the sudden noise, she could sleep through World War three. I shook her frantically until she woke up. "What's wrong?" She asked, sitting up in bed. "I heard a noise." I said, climbing under the covers with her.

     Without questioning anything, Spencer hugged me and we debated going to mom and dad's room. After a few moments, it happened again. BOOM! This time we both jumped, tears coming out of our eyes. There were footsteps approaching our door, which I wished were our dad's. Our sister Charlotte came through the door and grabbed us out of bed, and out of the house. She took us on the bus and to her dad's house, as we had different fathers, and we stayed the rest of the night there.

In the morning, we went back home and everyone acted like nothing happened. Our mother told us that our father had left last night. He never came back.

BOOM! My heavy breathing started up again and I jumped away from the edge. Markus came towards me and I fell into his arms, bawling my eyes out. "It's okay. There just fireworks." He told me, but he didn't know. I pulled myself away and looked at him. "No! I-I heard that sound, o-or something like it when I was seven. I was asleep and I heard it! My dad disappeared the same night!" I cried to him. Markus pulled me towards him and held me as I cried. The fireworks went on in the background and I was actually scared.

"I'll drive you home." He told me, letting me go and putting all of the art supplies back in the car. I got into the car and tried to stop myself from breaking down in front of him. Markus got into the car with me and looked at me seriously. "I'm sorry." He said. "I just like the fireworks, and I thought you'd like them too." I looked back at him sympathetically. "It's not your fault. I should've told you before. I was just having such a good time I forgot to tell you how terrified I get when I hear loud noise." I said.

Markus smiled and grabbed my hand. "Well, next time I'll take you to an art museum, it's much more quiet." He said. I smiled back. "I'd like that." I said. As I stared into his eyes, I felt myself leaning in closer to him, and he did the same. Our lips touched as we kissed, both of us leaning over the middle console. My hand went to his cheek and his tangled in my hair. As we kissed, my phone buzzed in the console. I had forgotten I left it in the car this whole time, which is why I thought no one was calling me.

     I pulled away from Markus and looked at the caller ID, Spencer. "Hello?" I answered. "Alex! Where the (cw) are you?! Charlotte said you went out and you're not answering your phone-" "Calm down! I'm with Markus!" "Markus! Did he convince you to run away and forget about your family?!" "What are you talking about?!" I yelled. "Forget it! Just get home now, Mom's already called the cops and Markus's dad and everyone is looking for you two!" "Okay Okay! We'll be right there!" I told her, hanging up the phone with a sigh.

     "Well, our family is on a search for us, my mom called your dad." I told Markus. He sighed. "(Cw) my dad will kill me." He said with a laugh. He started the car and drove back to my house.

Spencer's POV

     We all waited patiently for Alex and Markus to show up. What was she thinking? Running away with him! The front door opened and the two walked in. "Where have you been?!" Markus's father, Carl, yelled. "I just took Alex up to the cliff! We were painting then we looked at the fireworks." Markus told him. "Alex hates fireworks!" Charlotte yelled. "I told him after-" "Don't say anything Alex." My mom said.

     Carl looked at his son intently. "What is that on your mouth?" He asked. Markus wiped his face and looked down. "Is that my lip gloss?" Charlotte asked, looking at their shiny lips. "Did you two kiss...again?!" My mom screamed. The two looked down and listened as they were being yelled at. I felt a tug on my arm and looked at the girl next to me. I forgot Aria was with me so we could do our project. "Do you want me to go?" She asked. I looked back at the screaming adults and the silent teenagers, then back at Aria. "No, let's just go upstairs." I said, taking her hand and leaving.

     As we worked on the project, still hearing the reprimands downstairs, Aria sighed. "I think they should leave Alex alone." She said. I looked at her in disbelief. "She's leaving the house with someone she barely knows! Who kisses someone they barely know?!" I yelled. "We kissed. We're dating and we barley know each other." She retorted. "Well, I trust you." I said. "And she trusts him." Aria said. I thought about what she said. Alex didn't get hurt, and she seemed to have a good time.

     "You're right." I finally said, dropping the conversation and going back to my work. The front door opened and closed then footsteps passed my closed door. Alex's door slammed shut and so did my mom's. "It's getting late, I should go." Aria said, putting her stuff in her bag. I kissed her goodbye and she left. Charlotte came into my room and changed into her pajamas. She stayed with us for a few weeks while her boyfriend Archer was moving to America from London. They were going to buy a house together when he got here, until then Charlotte slept in my room on a mattress in front of my bed.

     I said goodnight to her and fell asleep without saying the same to Alex or mom, they might be upset right now. As I slept, I heard footsteps going past my door from Alex's room and down the stairs. I climbed out of bed and went downstairs, seeing my sister and Markus in the kitchen kissing.

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