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Alex's POV

Spencer and I entered the girls' locker room and looked around. It already terrified me being around all of these kids, now I have to change in front of them?! I grabbed Spencer's hand as we picked our lockers, right next to each other. We got out locks and had to unlock them. I fumbled with it and tried to open the lock, but it didn't work. "Do you need help?" Someone asked, putting their hand in my shoulder.

     I flinched slightly and looked at whoever was behind me. "Sorry to scare you, I just thought you needed help." The girl said. I remembered her from Chemistry class, she sat at the table across from us. "I-I'm Okay." I mumbled. The girl looked at me sympathetically. I hate when people look at me like that. Like I need help. "Mind if I unlock it for you?" She asked. I handed my lock over hesitantly and watched as she unlocked it in one try.

     The girl handed the lock back to me and smiled. "Thank you." I said, forcing myself to smile. "Just ask me if you need help, I'm Emily." She said. I nodded and walked away to my locker. Should I have told her my name? Did it seem rude not to? I hope I didn't make her feel bad. I went back to Spencer and put my lock on my locker. Spencer looked at me and smiled. "You figured it out?" She asked. "I-I had help." I whispered. She nodded and went to gym with the others, me following behind.

     We sat on the bleachers while the gym teachers talked. I didn't really pay attention, mostly looked at my surroundings. I spotted the girls from Chemistry and that girl Alison on the other side of the bleachers. Alison caught me staring and gave me a glare. "What do you want freak?!" She yelled out. I looked away and focused more on the class. I heard shuffling from beside me and looked to see that Alison had moved closer to me. "If you didn't know, I run this school. Mess with me, and I'll ruin you." She said. I moved over slightly bumping into Spencer. "You okay?" She asked, putting her arm over my shoulder.

     I said nothing and looked for something to focus on. I spotted Markus sitting with the boys and smiled. He seemed like a really nice guy, I haven't been around one of those in a while. My dad was really nice, until he....a-anyway, the gym teacher said we could have a free day and brought out equipment for us. I decided to take a walk around the basketball court. As I walked, someone came up behind me and I turned around. It was North, that girl sitting next to Markus in Chemistry. "I saw you looking at Markus." She said, and I couldn't tell if she was upset or not.

     "He's nice." I said, looking away from her. "I could talk to him for you." She said. I looked back up and saw her smiling. "About what?" I asked. "I know you like him." North replied. "We're just working on a project." I said, suddenly becoming uncomfortable. "Hey freak!" I heard from behind me. I turned around with curiosity and saw Alison and two other girls walking towards us. Alison stopped only inches away from my face. She looked at North with a disgusted look.

     "Scram." She said, eyeing North with a death glare. Thankfully, she stayed put, even getting closer to me as if she knew they would hurt me if she wasn't there. Alison rolled her eyes and looked back at me. God, if looks could kill. I know that's a cliche from movies and tv shows, but truly, I'd be dead if she stared at me for five more seconds. I had about an inch on her, but with our uneven numbers, that probably wouldn't help. I tried to look past their group to maybe alert the gym teacher or Spencer or anyone, but they wouldn't let me.

     Alison and her squad move closer and North and I back up until our backs are against the wall. The sound of kids blasting music as they walked or the loud bounce of basket balls hitting the hardwood muffled the sound of my tears as Alison got closer. I closed my eyes and breathed heavily, like I always did in stressful situations. "Back away!" My eyes shot open as I saw Markus appear, holding a football in a throwing position, clearly ready to launch it at Alison and her crew if they didn't move. Ali rolled her eyes and walked away, flashing a smirk before she left.

"You guys okay?" Markus asked. "Y-Yea." I replied, wiping the tears that were forming on my face. North just nodded and smiled at me, walking back to the middle of the court. I gave Markus a sad smile and walked away, looking for Spencer. I saw her and Aria playing four squares with Emily and the blonde that was with Ali. I walked over quietly, getting their attention when I stood close. Spencer looked at me and saw my tear stained face, leaving her square and coming towards me. "What happened?!" She asked, putting her hands on my face to calm me down, like our dad did.

I looked away and didn't respond. I glanced towards that blonde and she looked back sympathetically. The teacher's whistle blew throughout the gym and all of us went back to the locker room. I grabbed my stuff as the bell rang and walked out, not waiting for Spencer. The halls seemed more crowded then usual. Everyone was taller than me and I couldn't see. I hadn't realized I fainted until people were yelling for a nurse as my world went black.

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