#5 A life.

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The next day, the princess Celestia came to see if her sister was fine. She went to get her in her room.

The solar Alicorn was very worried about Luna since her discomfort. She and her sister had already lost sight for a thousand years, and she didn't want them to be separated again. It had been only two years and six and a half months since they had met again, but she thought she and Luna were closer before.

- Luna, are you okay ? I'm very worried since yesterday's uneasiness... said Celestia, seeing Luna's face tense and blush at the question.

- I... I'm fine Tia, I'm just... Just tired, this exile took me a lot of strength, I just have to get used to our planet again. Luna replied, looking Celestia in the eyes as if she was not lying.

In itself it was not a lie, the weightlessness on the moon was not the same as on a planet, but it was not the reason for her discomfort. She wanted to talk about her future filly only if it was absolutely necessary, dreading the reaction of her sister.

- Well, if it's just that, it'll be fine... But know that if there is a problem, you can count on me. said the princess before leaving the room.

************************************************** **

All went well for a month and a half, but the excuse of banishment didn't explain everything. Certainly, for weight gain, vomiting and discomfort, it worked. But when Luna entered the third trimester, constant fatigue and disgust found no explanation but the truth.

And from that, Celestia finally realized it and went to ask for explanations.

- Luna, I can see what's going on, your condition is worse than six months ago, what-... Celestia began before her sister cut her off.

- All's right Tia, you don't have to worry. Luna whispered as she tried to leave her elder's field of vision.

- You always say that and that's never the case ! exclaimed the solar Alicorn between anger and sadness. Don't you trust me enough to tell me ?

- Celestia, I'm fine, and I still have as much confidence in you that when we were small, I just don't want to talk about it. Luna said awkwardly, showing that she there was something to talk about.

- Luna, you know you have nothing to hide. Is it about your guard ? asked Celestia knowing in advance that there was indeed a connection between him and Luna's secret.

The lunar Alicor had a dilemma of a few seconds which seemed like an eternity; Was it time to talk to her sister ? She was still afraid of her reaction, but if she didn't talk about it now, Celestia wouldn't find it until the little filly had to introduce herself.

- I... It's been six and a half months since I was pregnant of a little filly. Luna said, feeling ashamed not to have talked to her sister sooner.

Luna expected Celestia to be even more angry than at her parents' death, but instead she felt a wing landing on her back in a gesture of comfort.

- That's just that, why did you put yourself in all your states for so little ? Celestia asked reassuring Luna that she was not against it.

- So, you're not mad, don't you mind ? Luna asked confused.

- If I had to be mad at anyone, it would be me. Celestia replied with a sheepish smile.

Before Luna asked why, Celestia replied that she was so irascible that she had lost the confidence of her own sister.

- I'm sorry, Tia... said the moon princess, she was sure now that she should have talked about it before.

- It's not your fault Luna, I've done you too much reproach for no reason in the past. reassured the solar princess. There is just a problem.

(MLP) The Moon's rise (Volume 1) - English translationWhere stories live. Discover now