#1 A magical family.

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Luna's family lived in a sad time for Equestria : when Discord, the master of Chaos, had control over it. Fortunately, they lived quite comfortably in a mansion in the Everfree Forest.

The small family consisted of Luna, her mother, father and older sister.

Her mom was called Aurora Sky, she was always tender, attentive and thoughtful with her little Luna.

Unlike her father, called Starry Night, who was kind only to the latter's sister.

But, since they had left to join the stars, all of this didn't matter any more.

Her big sister was named Celestia but Luna affectionately nicknamed her Tia.

When they were very small, they hated each other and played tricks on each other; it was when Discord realized that this family was not like the others that they understood that they had to stick together.

Luna had obtained her cutie mark thanks to Celestia, who controlled the sun and had thought that Luna could be able to do the same thing with the moon.

- Luna, come on, you have to try ! said Celestia, running after Luna, who did not feel capable of it.

- But Tia, the master of Chaos will control Equestria even if I do... replied Luna, being too afraid to do something stupid.

- No, he will no longer control the luminaries ! Celestia retorted with a smile of mischief.

- Ok, then I'll try. finally accepted Luna, not at all delighted to have the responsibility of having to take care of what she loved too much to accept mistakes.

She stored as much magic as possible, closed her eyes, then flew away making the magic particles go towards the moon, under the horizon, little by little but not too slowly.

It required such a monstrous effort that she stopped flapping her wings. Fortunately, Celestia caught Luna on the fly.

Luna, who hadn't opened her eyes, asked in a tone of uncertainty if she had succeeded.

- I don't want to watch, did I do it ? asked Luna, thinking she had fail.

- Yes, look ! The moon is risen, in the sky and on your cutie mark. replied Celestia, who liked to rhyme and make Luna think.

- I have my cutie mark, hurray! Luna yelled loudly.

- Let's quickly tell mom and dad. Celestia suggested, grabbing Luna to bring her to their parents' room.

Arriving at her destination, Celestia went to speak to her father.

- Dad, do you know what Luna did ? Celestia asked, pretending to be angry.

- What did this little brat do this time ? asked the father without turning to his daughters.

Luna then appeared in his field of vision, showing her flank with joy.

- I got my cutie mark ! yelled Luna, very proud of her.

- Well done my little darling. the mother exclaimed, hugging Luna.

- Yes, well done Luna. said the father with a tone of uninterest.

Luna's father didn't really like his youngster, he found her too much of an airhead and not careful enough.

But since her mother had always found her perfect, even much more than her elder, and neglected the latter a little, the affection of the two ponies' parents was equal.


Once Luna was a teenager, the two sisters began to explore Everfree and one day, they came across a magic tree made of crystals : it was the tree of Harmony.

(MLP) The Moon's rise (Volume 1) - English translationWhere stories live. Discover now