She lifted her head when one of the bigger kids pushed the shorter one. He was a stuttering and sweating mess as he opened his mouth.

    "Heyyy, Tzuyu. name's Davis. B-big fan."

He swatted his hand up to wave, sweat falling to the floor briskly. When no other words could come out, he turned around to see the rest of his friends egging him to go on to say what they originally planned. He was shaking with fear, from his head to his toes, hindering to follow through with it.

Tzuyu didn't get a word out before the boy yelled in a single breath.


The only words that registered in Tzuyu's head were: friends? blind girl?

Like a ticking impulse, the veins in her neck popped out without invitation. Davis jumped back at the sudden protrusion, completely afraid now. Even his friends behind him slowly stepped away, thinking that Tzuyu was about to wipe the floor with them when she pushed herself from the lockers so quickly.

"What did you say?"

She didn't need them to repeat it since she heard them perfectly. Tzuyu wanted to see if he dared to say it again for confirmation. Davis gulped nervously, feeling like he just swallowed his tongue along with any courage he had left.

    "We saw you with Sana and Mina and that blind girl at the mall yesterday. So that makes you two friends now, huh?"

These pathetic freshmen wished to be friends with Tzuyu, for her to even know of their existence. They were willing to be her stepping stool if it meant that they could be by her side. They were drooling over the desirable thought whilst clenching in terror.

Rather than bashing each one of their faces into the floor, Tzuyu released her fists and took a few deep breaths. She lowered her head and huffed exhaustively. How many times has she gotten mad to the point of murder this entire week? She didn't keep count.

"After school. The field. Behind the bleachers. Bring her to me. Then you'll get your answer."

The freshmen were given no reaction time since Sana came out of the restroom with a baffled look as soon as she saw the trembling teens in front of Tzuyu, who looked entirely calm by then. The taller girl gave her girlfriend a flashy smile before turning to the tiny group of freshmen, still shaking to their toes. Sana had never seen them before and only added to her confusion. She walked over to Tzuyu and raised an eyebrow, ready to question her.


"You go on ahead. I'll just grab a quick bite later."

Sana was hesitant, sticking her feet to the ground. She wasn't going anywhere until Tzuyu gave her a proper answer.

    "Coach called saying he needed to talk to me."
Tzuyu continued once she saw the Sana's wandering eyes at the group.
    "Oh these guys are my little 'fan base'."
She air-quoted, thinking that if she chuckled right after, Sana would find it peculiar since Tzuyu's sense of humor was narrow.

Tzuyu was relieved when Sana didn't push any further and gave her a quick peck on the cheek. She strutted through the double doors that lead to another part of the hallway. Tzuyu was about to head over to the field where she'd be waiting for the group to fish for Nayeon, whether she even came to school or not wasn't part of the equation. Stuffing her cold hands into her jacket, she shot bullets through the shaken up posse. They jumped from where they stood, the look of terror on their faces was enough of a statement. She made her way towards the exit, taking a short walk over to the back of the bleachers. That's when all her concerns were set free.

Through Her Eyes (2Yeon)Where stories live. Discover now