Chapter 25

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Osi got more information about the murder online. The internet trully had answers to everything.
The murder case had been a very popular one in Ukraine and he even saw some recent updates about a few months old. The case was infamous. The college professor husband whose wife had been a doctor. They were a power couple, one of society's finest and so it had been a terrible shock when the wife had been murdered and Stevenson or Patrick had fled the country. His whereabouts were still unknown till today.
Well that wasn't quite true, Osi knew where he was and it seemed Steve had brought his thirst for murder along with him.
When he left Amara's home, Osi was a bit confused. He asked himself what now?
Now he knew what the man had been trying to hide but how could he link it with the recent crimes that had happened in Amaife.
Should he confront the man again or should he meet with the elders?
He brought out his phone to look at the picture once more. He had studied it for minutes wondering what would have made Stevenson kill his wife and rape her brutally.
He swiped the screen and Paul's face glared at him. He had almost forgotten about the leather jacket man.
He was fully convinced the European was the killer but what if he was being too hasty?
This man was a prime suspect in Okudili's murder after all...
He considered the factors for some seconds then changed his direction and headed for the bus park.
It was time to open the closet and have a glimpse at the skeletons.

It took Osi precisely 30 minutes to locate the village. He marveled at the closeness to Amaife and he was beginning to see sense in Amara's earlier suspicions.
It would be possible for Paul to strike in Amaife and retreat back to this village under the alias: Emeka.
At first he moved around quite aimlessly as he sought someone he could show the picture to.
He noticed an elderly man walking at a snail's pace. He had a walking stick in his hand and used it to support his weak limbs.
"Good day sir...sorry to disturb you, please I'm looking for my brother...its very important, we lost touch for years and I managed to trace him here. His name is Emeka"
As he spoke he held up the phone for the man to see the picture.
The man didn't even glance his way but kept on wobbling about.
"Sir please help me out, have you seen this man?"
The man still ignored him and Osi gave up.
Next he targeted a road side mechanic shop.
He showed him the picture and offered him the same story. This time the man was willing to help but unfortunately after studying the picture for minutes he decided he had never seen the face before.
After showing the picture to two more men and getting negative replies, Osi knew what he must do. If anyone would recognise Paul/Emeka there was every possibility it would be a female.
As if to prove his thought, he approached a young girl Wheeling a barrow full of cassava, no doubt to grind it and process garri.
"Excuse me, please I learnt my brother has been here all along and I've been searching for him, there's something extremely important I need to discuss with him"
The girl was friendly, she stopped moving and collected Osi's phone to observe the picture closely.
After some seconds she asked: "what's his name?"
"Pau-errm Emeka"
"Hmmm" She studied him again "you're his brother you say"
"Actually first cousins, please can you help me out?"
"Okay. There's a big catholic church few miles away. The third compound opposite on the right, knock on the gate and explain yourself"
"Oh, thank you...I'm grateful"

On his way to the Catholic Church his phone rang. It was reverend Okonkwo.
"Osi, what's going on son? How are you?"
"I'm doing great sir. I believe I'm on the edge of an important discovery"
There was a short silence then the reverend said in a solemn tone: "Osi we are interceding for you fervently from this end, but also you must endeavour to remember...don't be yoked to anything else apart from God if not you'll miss the fertile soil God wants you to plough"
They spoke throughout the duration Osi used to locate the church. He located the third house on the right just as the lady had described and then quickly but stylishly ended the call.
He knocked on the gate.
He knocked again and waited. He could hear approaching footsteps from inside.

"Oluchi believe me Stevenson is a killer...I'm 80% sure he is responsible for the crimes" (the other 20% was reserved for Paul)
Amara had gone to visit her friend as she couldn't stand Oluchi being mad at her.
To her dismay her friend was dressed in an outrageously skimpy costume and she had told her rather boldly that she planned to seduce Steve.
"Oluchi snap out of it! This man killed his wife in his country and ran all the way to Amaife. He's a writer all right but his primary objective here was to lay low and stay undetected"
"Where's your proof? Where did you see such? Or are you that desperate that you revert to lies? Eh Amara...when did you develop feelings for Steve but even if you like him, the noble thing to do would have been to step down if you truly take me as your friend and know how much I love him"
"Oluchi why are you like this? Am I speaking French? That man is a murderer and I can't allow you go and see him!"
Suddenly her voice broke down "I can't afford to bury any of my friends again"
That seemed to strike home and Oluchi sat down defeated. "My God what am I doing...I've been so blinded with jealousy...please Amara forgive me"
"Its okay...its okay (sniff)"
Both girls hugged themselves and cried softly.
Their tear ducts was far from dry as the tears poured freely, they cried for their friends that had been killed, for ozioma and for Ezinne, beautiful girls caught down in their prime. The tears weren't ending anytime soon, it was a waterfall.

Osi smiled at the woman that answered the gate.
He offered the same excuse, this time adding a smile he hoped was charming and not scary.
"Hmmm...Emeka never mentioned a brother. I know he has a sister"
"Actually we're cousins ma'am"
"Well come in...come and see him for yourself"
Osi blinked "you mean he's in?"
Osi was surprised. He followed the woman down the narrow hallway thinking what Paul really up to.
"Emeka, you have a family friend here to see you" the woman announced and turned away. Osi noticed her hands were soapy with dried foam. She must have been busy washing clothes or dishes.
Paul was astonished to see Osi. He stood up in disbelief his mouth hung open for three full seconds until he blinked and said "you...what are you doing here?"
"I came to see you of course"
Paul scratched his head "why...what business do we have together?"
"For starters I'd like you to please explain why you've been here all along but lied to your family that you were in Lagos"
"It's none of your business!"Paul snapped. He seemed worried and both men looked each other in the eyes, a stare down to see who would blink first and finally he gave a resigned sigh "okay...but its getting dark. I'd tell you tomorrow morning...or better still if you could wait for me and we walk to Amaife together"
Osi wanted to tell him to just spit it out and get to the point but then a little girl ran out from one of the rooms.
"Daddy...daddy carry me"
She must have been about two years and there was no mistaking who her father was as she hurried to Paul and hugged his legs.

The devil had just settled in his new hiding spot and seconds later he heard voices.
Female voices laughing and drawing closer.
This was it...amara was going home and she would pass by him and he was going to strike. He grew hard in anticipation

"Okay dear see you tomorrow...please don't forget that Nora Roberts book you promise me o" Joy waved her friend as they split up.
She walked happily to the house. Life was indeed romantic and her recent yearnings for romance novels had increased recently majorly because of young George. The teenager had asked her out and she was very attracted to him, his cute smile and dreamy eyes, and his lips...
"This must be love oh, this must be love, I fall like a sparrow fly like a must be the dream I've been thinking of, oh what a feeling it must be love!"
She sang the lyrics to a Don Williams song which she had learned at a young age thanks to the casette tap her father always played in their ancient radio.
Suddenly she felt a presence behind her. Not just any kind of presence, an evil presence. She half turned but strong arms grabbed her from behind holding her in place. She managed a short scream before the hands clamped over her mouth.

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