Chapter 4

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Harrold was the first of the two boys to wake up this time. He smiled down at Draco and pulled him closer. Draco stirred in his sleep and slightly opened his eyes.

"Harr?" He asked, yawning quietly. Harrold smiled down at him and kissed his forehead.

"Yeah, it's me baby. I didn't mean to wake you up."

"It's ok. You promised me a date anyways." Draco says, looking up at Harrold.

"You're quite right. I guess I'll have to follow through then." Harrold fake sighs, smiling down at Draco. Draco pouts and lightly hits Harrold's arm. "I'm kidding, calm down." He laughs.

Draco gets up. "Well? Come on!"

Harrold groans and gets up. "You're so impatient." Draco smiles at him.

"I know." Harrold wraps his arm around Draco waist. He walks downstairs and to the floo. He grabs a handful of floo powder and stands in the fireplace, his arm still tightly wrapped around Draco's waist. "Diagon Ally!" He says, clearly.

Once they are there, Harrold walks Draco into a little restaurant that 'Harry' used to go with Hermione and Ron. "This is one of my favorite places. It's always almost empty so it's always quiet and it's just a nice restaurant." Harrold says. He leads the two of them to a two person table and pulls a seat out for Draco. Once Draco sits, smiling, Harrold walks around the table and sits in his chair.

Draco watches Harrold and grabs a menu, sliding one to him as well. Harrold picks up his menu and starts looking. A waiter walks over, "Hi, I'm Ben. What can I get for you two to drink?" he asks, him holding a pencil with his pad out.

"Just a water, please." Harrold says, smiling at Ben.

"The same for me." Draco glares at Ben, who was obviously checking Harrold out. Ben nods and walks to the back, getting the two drinks.

"What was that about?" Harrold asks Draco.

"Are you serious? He was checking you out! He was practically eye fucking you!" Draco whisper yells.

"Are you jealous? Over some random guy that I couldn't care less about? Draco, you're my mate. I can't live without you, literally." Harrold says.

"Fine, but if he tries anything, I'm not responsible for my actions." Draco growls.

"Watch your tone with me." Harrold growls back. Draco shrinks back in his seat slightly, still glaring at Ben who was now walking back with their drinks. Ben sets them down on the table.

"Are you two ready to order?" Ben asks, smiling at Harrold.

"Fish and chips, please." Draco growls quietly.

"I'll have the same." Harrold says, smiling at Ben which only makes Draco glare at him more.

"Ok, I'll be back with those soon." Ben picks up the menus and walks back to the kitchen.

"Are you serious? You had to smile at him?" Draco asks, upset.

"Draco, you were mentally killing him. You growled at him for crying at him. Of course I smiled! He was going to think that you were going go kill him." Harrold says.

"Fine, but I still don't like him." Draco says, pouting. Ben comes back with their food, putting one of the plates in front of each of them. "Thank you." Draco forces out.

Ben walks away and Harrold looks at Draco. "See, that wasn't too bad." He says, smirking. Draco rolls his eyes and starts eating. Harrold smirks and eats, watching Draco.

Once the two of them are done eating, they floo back to Riddle Mannor and Draco drags Harrold back to his room. "We're not going there again. He was obviously trying to flirt with you." Draco growls.

"Draco, calm down. Even if he was, I only have eyes for you. You are my mate. You are the one who was created for me. You are the only one for me, ok? Stop worrying" Harrold kisses Draco's forehead.

Draco sighs and nods, leaning into Harrold. He smiles up at him and kisses him. Harrold kisses him and pulls him closer. Draco pushes him back onto the bed and straddles his waist. The boys continue their make out session for a few minutes, until Draco moves so he's next to Harrold and just cuddles him. Draco once again falls asleep and Harrold laughs at how often he sleeps. He kisses Draco's forehead and smiles down at him.

A/n: so this is probably terrible and I'm sorry it's 1:32 am as I'm writing this and I'm exhausted, but I can't sleep so I tried to write. I won't be able to write much because I have to write a novel for English this month in case you didn't see the post I made, so enjoy this for now. So yeah

He's My What?!?!-a veela Drarry fanficWhere stories live. Discover now