Chapter 1

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            He came out of the party holding a can of beer as he walked home on his favorite path behind buildings and through alleyways. The text message said his name was Bill Wilkinson, that’s all the information I had about him, that and a picture of him so I wouldn’t hunt the wrong guy, that and where he supposedly lived, okay I had a lot of info on this guy but to me it didn’t seem like enough.

            Shifting my weight so I wouldn’t fall off the top of the lamp post I was perched on I squinted through the binoculars again before hopping down the ten feet and trailing behind him slowly. I always had the same thoughts while on the hunt, who was he, what did he do for a living, did he have a family who would miss him, why was he supposed to be killed?

            That last question was the most frequent one that I thought about but it wasn’t my job to ask questions; it was my job to hunt these people down and kill them.

            My name is Josey, I’m sixteen, and I’m an assassin.

            My life was a crappy one, abusive father, alcoholic mother, and I ran away at the age of six to live in the streets. After a while I found an abandoned factory and one day these care packages started to arrive; and soon they turned into my assignments. My first assignment was to hunt and kidnap this little baby when I was thirteen and leave him in a building to be found by my people. I still don’t even know who my people are, but they were helping me so I of course did it and from there on the assignments have progressed; rapidly.

            Shaking my head to clear the thoughts I focused on the guy in front of me as he stumbled over a rock cursing; his words were slurred so that made my job easier. I watched Bill enter another dark alley (seriously does this guy not suspect to be mugged one night) before I ran in after him getting closer the further in we went. Once we hit the middle I ran up, slapped a hand over his mouth, and plunged my knife through his back into his heart.

            His blood soaked through my fingers as he coughed from his pierced lungs. The thrill of making him look at me for mercy, me a teenage girl, ran like fire through my veins as I let him drop to the ground and take his last few breathes until finally the light faded out of his eyes and he stopped moving forever. Kill number three hundred and forty-seven has been terminated.

            I leaned down over his body to make sure he was gone for good. Placing my fingers to his neck I waited listening for a heartbeat; it never came but then again it never does when I kill someone. Grinning I ripped my knife out of his chest watching more of his blood paint the street we were in before I pushed his body over to the dumpster and hefted him in; cleanup was my least favorite part of the job.

            Once his body was secured in a few garbage bags I leaned on one leg observing all the blood splattered across the alley. Seriously when I make a kill I don’t worry about the mess I’m making so who cares that the body is found before it hits the dump at the edge of the city? My main guess was they didn’t want the police to know where the kill was in case they picked up my DNA somewhere; logic really sucks sometimes.

            Eventually I found a bucket and a hose some ways down so I had to make at least thirty trips until I got the blood off the ground and into the sewers below me. I wiped the sweat out of my eyes, made sure I hadn’t missed anything, sent a text to my people that the job was done and the body could be picked up, and then I ran off to my house.

            I couldn’t miss my first day of school.

            Saturday morning dawned gray and gloomy as I threw my last suit case into my car. It was still too early for me to leave for Lilith Academy (yes I know it is named after a she demon) so I went back into my empty warehouse looking around sadly. This was my first real home, where I made my new life, and now it was being torn away so I could go to bordering school to track someone there; I still didn’t know who yet.

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