Hold me...please T.J

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Life was and is rough, everything is. No matter what in life it is rough, but when I met T.J everything changed. He showed me ways to help with my depression and showed me ways to deal with all the stress. He was saving me, I wished I would had done the same for him.
"Where is he?" I shouted at the nurse behind the desk.
"Who? What patient?" She asked calmly, not looking up from the computer screen in front of her.
"T.J Hammond," I tell her quickly.
"Down the hall to the right, A43." She smiled up at me.
Now was not the time to be smiling. T.J was dying! I saw his mother sitting in the hall crying.
"Y/n! Oh my god! He just-"
I ignored her and pushed open the door to his room. I didn't want to talk with his mother she never accepted him anyway.
What I saw before my eyes scared me. T.j was laying on the white hospital bed not moving. It was clear though that he was alive because of the heart monitor. The soft beeps reassured me that he was alive still.
Quietly and slowly, I walked to the side of his bed. He had oxygen being pumped into his nose. He looked pale and weak. It scared me more than anything.
This was and is the man I loved. He may not know that, but I really did love him and seeing him like this scared me to death.
I grabbed T.J's hand and held it, "Teej, wake up."
The door to the room opened and I could hear footsteps coming towards us. I ignored them not wanting to look away from him.
"He was found on the bedroom floor of his room, a beer bottle in hand," I heard someone say.
I closed my eyes and held tighter to T.J's hand, "I can't loose him, I can't, I love him."
"I- um, I'll leave you alone with him for awhile, press the blue button when he wakes up," the voice said.
I only nodded and placed my head on T.J's shoulder.
Wake up. Please. I need you.
I spent two hours in his room with him and listened to his heart monitor. I even told a few stories I had always wanted to tell him. It was getting late when I heard a small noise.
My head immediately shot up, there he splayed smiling at me, "Hey,"
His voice was groggy and he sounded tired.
"You little..." I didn't finish my sentence because I threw myself in top of him in a bone crushed hug.
A small chuckle escaped his lips and flew to my ear. I then hit him on the shoulder.
"I hate you! God, what were you thinking? I could have lost you! Your mother could have lost you!" I shouted at him.
He looked down sadly and didn't say a word for a moment.
"Teej, what happened?" I asked.
"I don't want to talk about it, but I do want to say this," he said grabbing my hand and holding it.
"I'm sorry, I should have went to you as you did me, but I didn't. You would have helped. I'm sorry," he said as a few tears slipped from his blue eyes.
I couldn't help but feel a little lump form. Why was he apologizing? He shouldn't do that.
"Hey, it's okay, we make mistakes, and you know I'm here for you," I said leaning down to hug him again.
"I know," he sucked in a deep breath.
I pulled away and brushed his hair from his eyes, "you need anything? I can get the doc-"
"Hold me.." He said silently.
I stared at him for a moment.
I slowly nodded my head and crawled next to him in the small hospital bed. He
wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer. Next thing I know we are asleep on the bed. The calling the doc completely forgotten. Just me and T.J.

Hey! Sorry if this is crap, but I tried lol! I will try to update as much as I can so hope you like!

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