Ch. 16: Who's That?

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"You have a weird way of showing it."

Do you seriously have to ruin the moment bitch? I'm trying to be nice.

"I know... I'm sorry..."

"I don't know Justin."


What do I do? I have no time to wait on her decision. I can't believe I'm actually doing this.

"I'll have to thi-"

I brought her closer to me and kissed her.

Nasty. As. Fuck.

I heard Chaz making 'ooh' sounds in the background.

And I don't know what it is this time.. but I didn't exactly hate it. Was it because she kissed back? she didn't kiss back before. But fuck... I didn't mean for it to go this far!

Why do I kinda like her? Why don't I hate her?

I let go of the kiss and looked straight into Ariana's eyes. I never noticed the sparkle she had.


Ariana smiled and looked down. I guess I got her to finally like me. Now I just have to let her down easy so she won't get me in jail.

I'll try to keep this for 2 weeks.

Karson's POV

"Babe, you're so beautiful." Luke smiled.

"Stop lying" I said.

"I'm not lying!"

"You're very sexy tonight"

"I know I am" he smirked.

I laughed.

"I haven't kiss you for a while." He said, licking his lips. I was feeling very uncomfortable at the moment. He literally just kissed me like 5 minutes ago. But... I don't mind.

"A while as in 5 minutes ago" I smiled.


"So... what are you trying to say?"

"I just want to kiss them again"


He pulled me in and kissed me.

Luke's POV

Karson's so cute. I'm just glad I can call her mine.

I dragged her upstairs to Chaz's room.

"What are you doing?" she asked.

"Maybe I just wanna have a little fun" I smirked.

I saw her smile so I sat down on the bed with her.

I brushed a loose strand of hair behind her ear and she smiled at me. I kissed her and we lightly laid on the bed.

"Luke" she moaned.

"Yeah baby?"

"Y-you do know that there's a ton of people downstairs?"

"Shh" I said. I pulled her sweater off and she looked at me funny.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing... continue" she smiled.

"Whatever you say babe" I smirked.

She began playing with my belt and I slowly pulled her pants down.

I felt her kiss back harder and butterflies just swarmed in my stomach.

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