"Oh, uhm. I didn't mean to... If you want to help me yourself, sure. I mean, as long as you understand more about technology than I do, which is not that much of an accomplishment because I'm completely clueless when it comes to-"

I smiled as she kept on babbling, I actually felt kind of comforted that a woman like her could get just as nervous as me. "Mani, it's okay. I'm sure I can help you"

At that moment she looked up at me and as our eyes met it felt like the world stopped for a minute. The look of adoration and thankfulness in her beautiful milk chocolate eyes slowly transformed itself in surprise and before I knew it she broke the contact and looked back down as if embarrassed by what just happened. She composed herself and with her refound confidence she spoke again. "Thank you. If you can't right now it's not a problem though."

"I'm free, don't worry. Just let me pick up the keys and lock the door."

"Oh okay"

I put on a pair of slippers and searched for the keys. In the meantime, Normani had already backed up from the door and was trying to look the other way. I contemplated changing at least out of the tank top I'd stained with a little chocolate this morning but I didn't want to seem too self-conscious and caring about my appearance. But would you blame me feeling like an inferior being in front of her?

"Okay, ready to go," I said as I locked the door and waited for her to lead the way.

She just smiled and made a few quick steps to her apartment's front door. It didn't take much really. Just about two or three seconds and we were already there. It was a small condo. Four floors and three apartments per floor for a total of twelve apartments. Normani's was just next to ours so I hoped to see more of her in the future.

"Please come in" she invited me inside, holding the opened door for me.

Normani's house was well furnished as if she'd actually took the time to call an interior designer or something. Or maybe she was just naturally talented in picking up furniture, a talent that my family lacked apparently. Our couch wasn't coordinated with the table and the floor and our kitchen didn't seem like it belonged to a magazine full of pictures of really expensive kitchens.

I wondered what kind of job she had and if she earned enough to be able to afford all this or if she had a husband or boyfriend who contributed. Heck, maybe she was the kind of woman that liked to stay home, go shopping and pop a kid or two to take care of while her hubby earned the money to make them live in luxury. Hopefully not.

I prayed that she wasn't married and I prayed that she didn't have a boyfriend and I prayed that with some kind of miracle I could have a chance with her. And I prayed that- I could stop being so fucking stupid. I knew that I could never have a chance with someone like her. Rich, beautiful, apparently nice and older. I actually wondered how old she was. She didn't seem to be anywhere over 30, probably around 24 or 25 but it's not like I could ask her directly.

"Your house looks nice for having just moved in." I looked around and thought about taking off my slippers, was she the kind of person who requested all her guests to take off their shoes?

She must have sensed my doubt as she indicated for me to go on and follow her. As we entered the living room I could see the brand new Samsung TV still in its box deposited near the couch.

"Do you want something to drink? A snack?" she paused and it seemed like she was checking out my boobs. I blushed. "Chocolate perhaps?" she smirked and then giggled adorably. Ugh.

Of course, she'd noticed my tank top and the big ass chocolate stain just on top of my left boob. It wasn't that big really but now it felt like I'd taken a bath in a tub filled with hot chocolate. With my clothes on. And she couldn't help but notice. And giggle.

My Neighbor's TV (Norminah)Where stories live. Discover now