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JAKE HUMMED to himself as he flipped over a pancake on the stove in the RV's small kitchen, moving over and dishing it on a plate nearby. Groaning, Pearl walked past the dog and moved through the vehicle, bypassing Steven and Connie who watched a movie on a laptop and Amethyst who sat looking out the window opposite them, past Sapphire who read a book beside Ruby who was listening to music, and went up to Finn who was at the wheel while Wendy Corduroy dozed off in the passenger seat.

"Man, it's really getting cramped in here." Pearl said as she looked out the window. "Any idea how far we are from the island, Mertens?"

"I don't think we're that far away." Finn said, looking at the rear view mirror showing the ice trail that they were driving on. "I gotta say, you Crystal Gem dudes are pretty cool," He turned to Sapphire. "I've never seen or heard of anybody with this kind of ice power before."

"What about the Ice King?" Jake asked, sitting down and eating his seven staked pile of pancakes.

"We've never met him, so who knows." Finn shrugged.

"Well, I don't think my feats are that impressive." Sapphire said.

"I hope the warp pad here actually works." Steven crossed his arms.

"Yeah, all the ones we've found so far either didn't go to Home World or duds." Connie stated.

"Don't worry, I betcha this'll be the one you guys are after." Jake swallowed all the pancakes. "Hey, why won't ya tell us where you're going? Is it somewhere dangerous or something?"

"Yes, we don't want you to get hurt in the process." Sapphire shut her book.

"But we've been through a lotta tough battles before; I bet we could handle it." Jake flexed up, inflating his muscles.

"We already told you this before Jake; we're not taking you along." Pearl frowned.

"Fine." Jake sunk back in his seat.

"Hey, I see the island up ahead!" Finn called.

"Wait, we've arrived already?" Wendy opened her eyes lazily and looked out the window, a grin spreading on her face. "Sweet! Can finally get outta this damn RV." She got up and left her seat.

Moving past the auburn-haired girl, Pearl came up to the cockpit and looked out the window, seeing a large mountainous island coming into view. "Alright, let's prepare to dock and get this search started!"

"You got it, boss!" Finn saluted and stepped on it.

FINN DROVE the car wash RV off the large sheet of ice and came to a hard stop on the shore of the island - the frost behind them dissipating and melting into the ocean. Disembarking the vehicle, Pearl, Sapphire, Steven, Connie, Amethyst, Ruby, Wendy, Finn and Jake stepped onto the white sand and looked into the forest up ahead, seeing nothing through the thick wood. Finn drew out a Lacrima from his pocket and looked at a holo-projected map of Ooo, moving past Pearl who summoned a magical barrier around the van.

"Okay, the map says there should be a small town here, so maybe the locals might have a clue of what you're looking for." Finn told Pearl and Sapphire.

"Alright, we'll be on our way then." Sapphire said, looking at the map and taking a mental image of it.

"Guess this's where we part ways then." Jake creaked his neck. "Four days sleeping in a van sure does give a dog cramps."

"Thanks for helping us get this far; we'd be lost without you two." Sapphire said.

"Well, we won't be gone for too long." Finn put on his bag and walked on. "We'll be waiting back at the Candy Kingdom after you finish your business in space."

Shattered II - Gaia (A Steven Universe Fanfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant