Elena kiss Stefan

Elena walks down the stairs to get Stefan some animal blood 

Tyler: what happened? 

Elena: Stefan is fine driving back here took a lot out of him I got but we need to change our clothes 

Jeremy texts Elena asking if she is back 

Stefan heard her phone go off 

Elena came back upstairs with blood 

Stefan: your phone went off 

Elena: alright 

Elena looked at her phone and saw the text from her brother 

Elena we are back we need a bit to change our clothes then we will be over.

Jeremy ok i can see how long I can hold off Jenna before she comes over there to get you 

Elena give us five or so minutes 

Jeremy hurry up 

Elena got it 

Elena: we got five minutes before we got to go to my house 

Stefan: I will all be good by then. 

Elena: are you sure 

Stefan: yeah 

Elena: I'm gonna go into my room to change 

Stefan: ok I will let the others know we have five minutes 

Stefan heads down the stairs 


Stefan: we got five minutes to get ourselves together before we head over.

Caroline: where is Elena? 

Stefan: she is in her room but her room is connected to mine the only way out is through my room. 

Bonnie: so two rooms but one way out kinda  deal then 

Stefan: yeah it also to keep her safe when Damon rolls back into town 

Lexi: I'm hoping when I'm not here 

Bonnie: well I'm nervous as heck 

Elena came down the stairs 

Elena: everyone ready? 

Bonnie: I'm nervous but ready 

Caroline: why am I coming to this dinner when I'm human 

Elena: Caroline we need you there in case Jenna and Alaric ask if you know already about us 

Lexi: I'm staying here 

At Elena's house

Jenna: Where is Elena?

Jeremy: on her way here.

The Door opens

Jenna: Elena you made it and I see you have brought your friends with you too.

Alaric: come on in.

Jeremy whispers something to Elena

Elena replied to tell you later

Alaric: so Elena I heard that you have a boyfriend

Elena: Yes, that is right.

Alaric: So how did you two meet?

Stefan And Elana get Their Happy EndingWhere stories live. Discover now