One more

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Normal Pov

The next day at Elizabeth's home she woke up shocked and disappointed. The dole was just a small puddle and a small dress!

Elizabeth's Pov

"Now what could've done this?! Was it me? Did I do the spell wrong?" I sighed and stared down sadly at the puddle. I knew I couldn't get another doll , because I was sure Ciel wouldn't have another made, he thought it was strange enough that I had one.

"Oh well....I'll just go and visit Ciel." I stood up and called for Paula to dress me.

At the Phantomhive manor Ciels Pov.

"Stupid Sebastian and his love for cats...Dirty , annoying creatures. They scratch furniture and meow all the damn time. Plus all they do is lay around. Why does he like them so much?" I grumbled as I walked down the hall to take a break from my work but as I walked I heard something strange. It sounded like a girl and it couldn't be Mey-Rin because she was in the kitchen....breaking dishes like always .

"Ugh this dress is too long!!" I heard the voice again. 'Who the hell is in my manor?!' I thought and took this chance and stormed into the room, only to see a young girl...who looked like me!?

"Who the hell are you and why are you here in MY manor?!" I asked in a serious tone. Glaring at the young girl hoping it was just y imagination, I was testing my reality.

"Hm? I'm Cecilia Phantomhive. Who are you? You look just like me -gasp- Are you like, my lost twin brother?! "

The strange girl ran over and hugged me like Elizabeth does. She hugged me tightly and spun me around, stoping me from catching air.

"Can't...breathe..." I coughed and gasped for air once she finally let go.

"Oops sorry!" She was so giggly. It made it even more strange because she looked like me, but why is she even here.

'Wait a second....if this is me...wait! I'm not a girl! This must be a damn clone or puppet that looks like me!' To prove my thoughts I tugged 'it's' hair .

"Ow! What was that for?!" It squealed but I tugged again ignoring the squeals.

"I do not believe you are a girl ."

"What?! I'm obviously a girl what's wrong with you?! Gah!' It yelled as I kept tugging to try and pry off what I sure was a wig but it wouldn't budge.

'This is on tight ' I thought until it suddenly grabbed my wrist away from it's hair .

"What are you doing?! Let go of me!" The next thing it did was worse . She yanked my hand and places it on one of her breasts.....that were real.

"I am a girl!!" Which I now know was a she , she huffed and glared at me then laughed as I blushed furiously and yanked my hand away.

"Fine fine! I believe you! But where the hell did you come from?! "

Something strange was happening . First a neko , now this giggly girl. Ugh.

"Sebastian!!" I grabbed her wrist and dragged her out the room to go and find that damn butler and wait for an explanation.

"Oh~ You're being rough~ I like it~" She giggled in a seductive voice .

Yep, I need to find out what the hell is happening.

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