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His answer came as a big shock to me. OMG does this mean he remembered that night?
"about eight years ago when i first met you. You were looking so angelic.. I just had to"
Oh he doesn't remember that blissful moment we shared but he remembered what happened when we were younger...
"At first, you were so arrogant. With that attitude of yours, I would never have imagined that we will get along so well"
"You were also annoying. You talked a lot"he replied.
Something changed in his mood but I couldn't place my hands on it..
"But you always made me smile. Even when mum died you were always by my side"
"i was only keeping my promise"i said to him..
When mum died, we were all alone. She was a good mother to me even if am not her biological daughter. When dad saved me, I was in comma for days before I woke up and I had a memory loss. She cared and loved me so much..she even gave me her name. When mum left us, dad was broken and would lock himself in his room for days. It was just us all the time. So we made a promise to always be supportive to one another through thick and thin but he broke that promise and I never questioned him
"am sorry i broke my promise"
he said like he was reading my thought
"i just had to leave. Richard was frustrating the hell out of me and when he brought the idea of going to a boarding house, it was the freedom I desired"
I could see the pain in his brown eyes but now is the right time for an explanation "is that the only reason why you left"
"i was tired of everything. Seeing his face irritates me.... He killed my mom"


Emilia has grown into a very beautiful woman. Her sea blue eyes still prominent and her figure intact.
Am not proud to be called her brother. Hey don't get me wrong...
i adore her a's just that i know she's off limit and the society will frown at it especially Richard but she's the only woman I want.
The only one I fell for and will ever be in love with. From the first day I saw her lying on the hospital bed I've always longed for the day she will be parents took her in as a daughter and it has been really difficult to stop that feeling. So when mum died I left so as to run away from those feelings and my dad. Even when I came back home I didn't know she was in the same house with me because I never asked.
I stopped thinking about her when I met a charming princess sometimes last month. I was rude to her at first but immediately I saw those sea blue eyes I was swept off my feat .
I followed her to a party...please don't call me a stalker. I just go for what I want and when I got the chance I kissed her. It was way more than I imagined.
Since then the thoughts of my sister subsided and was replaced by the thought of the charming stranger.
I was happy that I'll finally be over Emilia...I swore to find out everything about this stranger and make her fall for me...everything changed when I saw her this morning in my house...the charming stranger is my Emilia...tell me how life could be more frustrating...I don't want to bother about that now..circumstances separated us once and i really missed her..
Some things about her didn't the way she usually bite her nails when she's sad or controlling her tears.... scratch her hair out of anxiety and pick her eyelashes when ever she's trying to hide something.. chatting with her reminds me of the good time we spent together....she deserve to know one of the reasons I left. I mean I cannot tell her how much I love her. She would despise me. I could see confusion and disbelief in her eyes when i told her that her precious father killed my mother...she's blinded by the love she has for her dad
"Mum was suffering from breast cancer" she tried to explain...
"yeah,i know"
"she died of cancer"she said looking confused...
"that's right"i said
"but that's because we found out when it was too late. Richard was always on business trips...he didn't even notice that his wife was ill...he never cared for her...." i said in tears. She's the only person that has seen me this broken
"'s okay" she said stroking my hair gently
"you don't need to be too hard on dad or yourself. You need to forgive, that way you will have inner peace"she said calmly,i know she's right but it's not easy
"it's too late Emily"i said sadly..
"anyway are you still disturbed by those scary nightmares"
"when u left it became frequent"she replied
i failed her..i wasn't there for her when she needed me the did she cope through all those such a jerk..i never thought of all that before leaving
"hey"i felt the gentleness of her touch...
"it got better few years ago. I barely dream now"she reassures me with a smile. I have this feeling that she's just saying it to make me feel better...
"Emily you're lieing to me". I didn't want to push the issue far so I tickled her,the sound of her laughter echoed in my room filing my heart with joy..i missed her......
"i missed you a lot Emily"i finally confessed to her
"i missed you more than you can imagine Emilio Roderico"...did she just call me Emilo Roderico??
"Does that mean Emily still have a crush on me"i said happily as she shakes her head in disagreement
"Have gotten over it dumb ass"she replies confidently
"Are you serious"i asked anxiously
"yes of course"
this girl knows how to hide her true feelings so now i can't tell if she's lieing or not
"okay i believe you"i said defeated
"Am going to Lasse's birthday party will you come along"she asked me
"who is Lasse"
"Lasse is my best boy friend"
"you mean that German guy that had a crush on you years back"she nodded
"but that's in the past now"
am not could she befriend someone like him,i will definitely attend that party and take a close look for myself
"I am definitely going with you sugar"she giggled and stood up to leave
"Do you have a boyfriend"i asked her mischievously
"no, we broke up recently"i gave her a look for her to explain further
"it all started when i lost a bet to him. The price to pay for losing is to be his girlfriend for one month"
"what he's name"i asked nervously
"Walter"she replied. What?? you mean that jerk that interrupted our moment..Darm him..
"that jerk is a complete flirt"i said angrily
"You know him?" she asked. I just starred at her not wanting to tell her I remembered that night.
"How did you meet him"
"At a club..Opposite Ice bar. That's one of his regular joint"
"Am going with you as your date"i told her angrily. I don't even know why am suddenly worked up....She looked at me with those charming eyes full of questions i know she would ask later but am not ready to answer
"okay"she replied
"But at least tell me your reasons why we should put up an act"
i can tell by her looks that i must answer her question
"Because you are a queen and should be treated with utmost respect...that's what a queen like you deserve"
she smiled as i told her half of the reason why I want to go with her as her date. For some crazy reason I wanna mark my territory.
"I want to be there for you Emily. Just trust me"she nods as she locks herself in my arms saying..
"I trust you Emilio"I felt contempted and happy....

THE MASKED (Sequence 1)Where stories live. Discover now