Next was Luke, now I watched carefully. “Lukey bear!” she ruffed his hair. “Time to wake up” he groan. “Cortnee, stop being mommy direction” he groan, I started to laugh. “It’s my job” she smirked.  He sat up and she stood up. She went to Ashton and once she sat on him he woke up, “Jiggly puff” she giggled. “Cortnee I will not have sex with you” he laughed. She got to Calum, “You know you play the bass hard” she pinched both of his cheeks.

She went to Mikey, “I think I’m going to dye your hair back to black” she ran her fingers through his hair. “No, no” he gently pushed her off. “Zayn do you like my new mirror?” she giggled. “Shut up” he laughed. “OKAY EVERYONE IS AWAKE!” she laughed. “God, Liam takes her away” Luke said. “Mommy direction needs to chill” Louis groan. “Well is some hangover?” she giggled. “Cortnee, come on baby” I said. She turned to me and smiled.  She intertwined her fingers with mine. “Please be ready when we get back. I’ll get ready at the meeting” I told them.

P.O.V Cortnee

Once we got outside. I started to shiver. “It’s cold” I whined. “Hurry to my car than” he picked me up and ran to his car. He put into the passenger seat. “AH” I shouted. “The leather seats” I shook. He ran to his side and started up the car, he put the heat on full blast. “Let me see your hands” he said shivering as well. I handed my hands, he put his hands over mine and blown his warm breath on them. I watched as he did. “I love you” I shivered. His eyes darted to mine, “I love you to beautiful.” His smiled was wide as his teeth chatter. “Now let me help you” I said.

“Close your eyes” I said. His eyes closed, I closed mine and slowly kissed his lips. His hands left mine and went on my back and scoot me on his lap. I suddenly didn’t feel cold. His hands were on my bottom. He made sure I didn’t hit the horn. Our lips were going slowly. “I’m in love with you” I said when broke apart. “Not as much as I’m in love with you” he said. I bit my bottom lip softly.

I got back into my seat and buckled up. “Okay let’s go” I giggled. He backed out of the drive way and drove off. I watched out my window, there was snow on the ground. “I hate the cold. I miss Florida” I said. “How about we plan a holiday there?” he said. “When the baby gets here, we will break away from the England madness and go to Florida.” He smiled.  “I’d miss the boys” I sighed.  He nodded his head. “Mommy direction, going to miss her boys” he mocked me. “You’re a bum” I giggled.

“You know you are too hyper in the morning” he said, he still had his raspy morning voice. “You know your voice very hot when you wake up” I smirked at him. “Oh really” he said. We pulled into my brother’s drive way and put the car in park. He started to chuckled. “Well, we better get inside” I said. I unbuckled my seatbelt and opened the car door. “Damn,” I mumbled. The cold breeze already made me shiver. “Let’s go” he shut his car off and got out. I ran to the door. I struggled to unlock the door but before I got it unlock my brother opened it. “Hey, isn’t early for you?” he chuckled. “Yeah,” I said. Liam came up.

“I need to pick up my stuff.” I told him. He let us in. “You’re leaving me already” CJ pouted. “Well now you can make the basement into a man cave” I smiled. He started to chuckled. “AUNTIE!” Cody shouted. “Cody?” I was confused. He ran to me. “Isn’t it too early for you to be awake?” I picked him up. “I wake up with daddy now” he smiled. I kissed his cheek. “Is Liam, uncle?” He asked me. I looked at Liam and then CJ. “No buddy, he is Liam” I said honestly. I wasn’t engaged to him or married. “Why?” he looked at Liam.

“We are dating that’s it” I told him. Liam’s face fell. “But you’re having his baby.” He said. “Yes, I know” I put Cody down. “I need to get going” I told CJ. I opened the basement door and headed down stairs. Liam must have been talking to CJ because he didn’t follow right away. I started to get a pain when I got down. I sat on my bed, and held on to my stomach. “Babe,” Liam said as I heard him walking down the steps. I didn’t answer. “Babe,” he repeated when he came around the corner. “What’s wrong” he rushed to my side and sat down.

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