"Oh, I know. I've already taken my entrance exams. I have applications in at several universities."
The teenager flipped over a mug in front of Draco. 

"Coffee will be a few minutes, yet. You want me to toss something on the grill for you?"

The idea of eating wasn't overly appealing to the blond. 

"Just some toast."

"Sure thing, here," 

Tabby said as she handed over the small remote control for the minuscule television that sat behind the counter.

"If you want some noise, I'll be in the back for a few minutes." 

The girl popped some bread into the toaster and went through the swinging double doors that led to the kitchen.

Draco wasn't opposed to sitting in the quiet café listening to the sounds of Tabby getting the place ready for the day, but he hit the power button anyways. The television came on, a local morning news and weather program calling for above average snowfall all across their area.

The blond propped his chin on his hand and closed his eyes, letting the soft drone of the weather report flow over him. When he heard the toaster pop, he went around the counter and plopped the toast on a plate, found a few pats of butter in the cooler and returned to his stool.

Once he'd buttered the toast, however, it held little interest. He took a few bites anyway. Going
without any real sleep was one thing. Going without food for another meal was going to lead to him passing out.

The sound of the door opening behind him preceded a rush of cold air that invaded the comforting warmth of the diner. Draco looked over his shoulder and smiled when he saw Tommy Sawyer.

Deputy Tommy, as everyone called him, was the large thirtyish police officer that had a major crush on Dee and was someone the blond called a friend.

"Tommy, you're out and about awfully early."

The red-head yanked off his lined gloves as he made his way between the empty tables to the
counter. He punched Draco in the shoulder in a brotherly fashion. 

"Could say the same about you, mate." He took the stool beside the blond and began working out of his heavy coat. 

"It's barely daylight yet."

"Toast was calling me," Draco joked as he lifted one of the half eaten slices and took another bite. 

Tommy jerked his chin toward the swinging doors. "Justine back there?" he asked.

Draco shook his head. "Tabby."

The red head grunted a little. "Snowplows are out, she'll be in soon enough, I expect. That coffee been on long?"

Draco hid a smile and went around the counter again. He poured his friend a mug of coffee, but
handed him a saucer as well. Sure enough, the red head balanced the nearly flat saucer with the
fingers of one hand and poured the steaming hot brew into it. Draco was still blowing on the coffee in his mug when the police officer had drunk down half of his, thanks to the way it cooled rapidly in the saucer. This was just one of the man's many quirks that made Draco like the guy and one of the quirks that made Dee think he was just plain odd.

"How's the new boy in your class doing? Eli isn't it?"

If it weren't for Draco's history with Eli's father, he wouldn't have thought twice about Tommy's
interest. The man pretty much knew everything that went on in town, hence why Dee thought him such a gossip. As a result, the blond forced himself to respond naturally.

(HP Đồng nhân Eng) Seven Years Too LateWhere stories live. Discover now