Chapter Eighty-Seven

Start from the beginning

He shoots me a soft smile as he speaks again, “I like that smile on you. Thank you for sharing it with me...”

He stops short as we see the swinging door open. My breathing hitches and Ash quietly says, “It's ok, darlin'. I'm right here. Nothing is going to happen to you. I won't let anyone hurt you...”

I'm panicking now and I reach out my hand for Ash. I need some form of grounding to reality, before my fears and my memories rip me away from the present and drag me back into my troubled mind. Ash steps closer to me, but I notice it's not close enough that he's touching me.

“I'm right here, Dani. It's ok. I'm right here...”

As the door swings open fully, we're faced with a light skinned Afro Caribbean woman. Her skin is smooth and she's wearing a scarf around her head. My mind is reeling and I'm starting to freak out. My breathing is labored and I manage to faintly hear Ash say, “It's just my mom, Dani. It's ok. She's not going to hurt you. I promise. Just take deep breaths, darlin'.”

I try to take some deep and steadying breaths as I scold myself in Russian. “Stop being so stupid, Danica. It's just Ash's mom. She not going to do anything to you. Stop being selfish and get a grip. It's just one woman. Stop being ridiculous.”

My internal rebuke is interrupted when I hear Ash's voice, “Dani? You ok? Can you take deep breaths for me?... One second, mom. Just let me deal with this first... Dani? Can you hear me?”

I croak out, “Yes sir. Sorry.”

He sends me a smile, “No worries. Don't even think about it. You ok now?”

“I think so.”

“Good girl. Dani, this is my momma, Karen. Mom, this is Dani...”

“Eli's girlfriend?”

“Yes, Mom.”

“My dear, it's so lovely to meet you. I've heard so much about you from the boys. Ash said you were in hospital. I hope you are feeling better now.”

“Yes ma'am, thank you.”

“I'm pleased to hear that. Is Dani short for anything?”

“Danica, ma'am.”

“That's a lovely name. What does it mean?”

“It's Slavic for Morning Star, ma'am.”

“That is beautiful; just like you...”

I feel a blush rising. I'm not used to compliments and I don't think I deserve them. These peopled don't really know me. Hearing these things from Eli is slightly different, because he knows me better than anyone else. I'm still not comfortable with his compliments, but at least he knows what I really think of myself.

“Mom, you're embarrassing her.”

“I'm just telling her how beautiful she is. Every girl likes to hear these things...”

“Mom, stop. Dani doesn't like stuff like that...”

I appreciate Ash's attempt to help me out, but his mom seems to be as stubborn as he is and she doesn't back down.

“You can't tell me that a girl doesn't want someone to tell her she's beautiful... Did I not teach you anything about how to treat a woman...?”

I don't want to be here for this. I don't want to be the cause of their argument. This is exactly what I didn't want to happen. I just cause trouble everywhere I go.

Even though I don't believe her, I still manage to mutter a thank you, mostly to stop this argument that is going on in front of me.

Ash's mom says, “See Ashton, every woman appreciates being told she's beautiful. I told you so.”

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