Everyone awwed at that

Everyone else were answering questions with Wes eating an ice cream in the background

Courtney was not doing good

' Courtney is dying omg' Emily said and put her hand on her shoulder. Courtney looked around and smiled at her.

Noah took his shirt off and Courtney was screaming.

Emily was looking at Wes and smiling. Wes looked at her and smiled too.

'the wemily in this episode is adorable as fuck'

' my girlfriend is pretty hot' Noah said

' niceee'

'Wow. Well done'

'So is my boyfriend ' Emily said and everyone looked at her

'Smooth Em' Shayne said and they high fived

Wes pecked her on the lips and she laughed

' I can't get over how adorable they are ' Courtney said and smiled at them

Everyone but Courtney and Noah had chickened out and not eaten the chip. Emily was just there to see if Wes would have eaten it and she would have rooted for him if he had done it.

Almost Everyone ate ice cream as the episode ended

Wemily was everywhere, Both Wes and Emily posted pictures of Them together on their Instagrams, they would tweet each other on twitter.

They never really mentioned that they were a thing too much at least not online but they didn't hide it either and the where pretty open about it in videos.

They would always sit together and Lean into each others touch.

Everyone in the Office loved Them together and they were happy for their friends.

They still Got teased occationally though.

Both Emily and Wes were sitting down opposite each other. The fans had asked for a two truths one lie Wemily edition and usually Emily and Wes never really outright said they were together so this would be a first

'  I'm here with my girlfriend Em and we are going to play two truths one lie ' Wes said and held Emily's Hand

' sup That's me. His girl ' Emily said in an exaggerated voice

Everyone laughed

'Do you want me to start or? ' Wes asked

'Yass babe go ahead' Emily said and winked at him

'Okay I'm a semi professional paintballer. I was popular in school or I'm a good cook'

' hmm see I'm pretty sure you have Bragged about being a paint baller. I've tasted your cooking and it's amazing. So I have to say that the lie is that you were popular in school'

'That's correct. I wasn't popular in school at all'


Emily took a big water gun and sprayed water at Wes's shoulders


'Wow the love is sure real' Keith joked from behind the camera

' why are you going for my shoulders though?'

'Because that's the element of surprise ' Emily said and laughed

'That's something lasercorn would say ' Shayne added

' Okay Wes. Apple of my eye. My one true love. Which one of these is a lie? I've walked around a whole day without knowing I had broken my elbow. My favorite color is yellow. I secretly enjoy watching reality tv shows.'

' hmm.. I do think I've seen you watch reality tv shows before but you never mention it so I would assume that's true. Yellow could be your favorite color but you like a lot of colors... I think that you haven't walked around with a broken elbow for a whole day- the elbow story is the lie'

' well you're wrong my dear Wesley'

Wes looked at her confused

'Wait what?'

'WHAT' Shayne exclaimed and laughed


'Okay so last time when I was studying I was running late for class so I took my bike to school. It had been snowing so it was really slippery and I ended up falling off the bike and on my side. See I got back up and sure my side and elbow were stinging but I didn't think much of it and went to school. I eventually ended going to a doctor to get an x ray done but they couldn't tell if it was broken so I went to the emergency room. I was there for five hours and eventually they found out that my elbow was broken'

Emily sprayed water in Wes's face and giggled as Wes started to yell and try to block the water with his hands.

'What was the lie though ' Wes asked

'My favorite color is Purple and it always has been'

Everyone laughed

'So Emily.. which one of these is a lie? I have a brother named Trenton. Taurus is my star sign or I've been in a soap opera web series'

'You are a Gemini not a Taurus. So you lied about your star sign'


'YOU GON DIE SON' Emily exclaimed as she sprayed water at Wes's chest near the side where his heart was.

' Okay... I'm actually German not Danish, I only pretended to be Danish because it's more rare because there are less Danes than Germans. I actually hate cosplaying and only do it because I know you love it or my biggest fear is dying'

' well I know you love cosplaying'

'Hmm do I really though '

'And you are definitely afraid of death and dying itself so number one is the lie'

'Yass I am indeed actually Danish. Lego. Copenhagen. The little mermaid'

Wes sprayed her face with water

'Wow I feel the love' Emily joked

'CAN YOU FEEL THE LOVE TONIGHTTTT' Shayne, Courtney, Noah and Keith sang loudly

'NERDS' Emily exclaimed in a fond manner.

Emily was in the lead for quite a bit until Wes ended up beating her by one point in a lightning round.

They were both soaked to the bone.

'Thank you guys for having us'

'This has been two truths one lie- WEMILY ADDICTION'

I have the climax for this story all written out I just need to get inspiration to fill the rest of the story out

Chapters are shorter and I'm having a hard time adding everything I want to😔

Lovestruck -(Wes x reader)- book twoWhere stories live. Discover now