Chapter 35: Wasted talent

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The morning sunlight seeped through the slight gap in the curtain of the room, the beam of light painting the worn carpet as two bodies peacefully slept in each other's arms.

Seokjin stirred in his sleep, the light making him open his eyes and squint as they slowly adjusted. He could feel someone in his arms, their hair tickling his neck as he breathed in and out. He yawned looking down at the boy's sleeping figure.

Jimin's hair was messily dishevelled and his lips were parted slightly as he basked in the warmth he was engulfed in. Seokjin chuckled watching Jimin stir in his sleep shuffling from his back to his side as he snuggled his head into Jin's chest.

Seokjin was happy - he felt fine, considering he had been out in the rain for an hour or two the night before he was expecting to wake up with a cold or a fever but to his surprise he had neither.

Seokjin arched his neck towards the bedside table squinting at the harsh neon lights that stated the time - 10:43 AM.


"Yah, Jiminnie." He cooed loud enough for his donsaeng to hear trying his hardest not to let the panic in his voice be too obvious.

Jimin turned over to his other side as Jin annoyingly shook the boy, rubbing his eyes with his small hands he peered up tiredly at Seokjin. Usually, the latter would have found the sight of Jimin waking up with his blonde hair sticking up in different angles extremely adorable but the fact that they had slept in for over 4 hours made him quickly jump out of his bed and drag the boy to get ready.

"Hyung?"  Jimin croaked out startled by the sudden breeze that brushed past him as he watched his hyung rush around his room.

"Jimin, it's quarter to eleven we have no time for questions." Jin replied bluntly whilst trying to multitask. "Get out of bed!" Jin spoke frustratedly as he pulled Jimin's arm.

Jimin's eyes widened, nodding quickly wasting no time in washing up and getting changed. He flew into his wardrobe and quickly flung on a big baby blue jumper and some skinny jeans before rushing with Seokjin and putting on their shoes before running out of the door and heading to their practise.

There were no words exchanged during their trip as their eyes frantically switched gazes between the pavement and the time; a few curse words muttered under their breath as they ran to the building.

Memories of their old manager came flashing through Jin's mind as he relived the feeling of being late. He would enter the studio and get a slap to the face, even if he was a minute late. What hurt him more is that he'd do it to his donsaengs too, he'd give them a harsh slap that would leave audible gasps in the room from other staff.

He shivered snapping back to realty hearing the heavy sighs of Jimin as he was trying to catch his breath. Jin opened the main doors and hopped up the stairs ignoring the groans of protest from the younger who was lagging behind. Once he got to the top he quickly knocked on the door of the practice room.

"Come in." Jimin had just stood next to Seokjin when a voice shouted out from inside.

They opened the door and were delighted to see their teacher, looking in a somewhat happy mood.

"Sorry, we overslept I forgot to put on an alarm." Seokjin spoke softly waiting for a slap.

But it never came.

"It's okay, you boys must be tired and overworked with the new comeback and all." The man sighed sipping his coffee, Seokjin opened his eyes squinting at the man in suspicion.

"What do you mean you're just going to let us off?" Jimin perked his head up, hope in his eyes.

The man nodded, "it's okay missing an hour or two won't do any harm." He smiled, sending a wave of relief and warmth over the two boys.

"Thank you." They both smiled happily and took their places in the studio.

"From the top, 3...2..1"


Namjoon huffed throwing his pen onto his desk and running a hand frustratedly through his silky locks. How hard can it be to right a few lines down? He's been doing this since he was a kid and yet, it's still one of the hardest tasks of his career as an idol, writing and erasing, constantly trying to find inspiration, trying to keep his songs somehow happy when all he wants to do is spill out his sad, depressing feelings on to the paper in front of him,

But yet, it was blank.

Namjoon leaned his head back on the cushioned chair, shutting his eyes momentarily trying to calm himself down. He recently found himself being angry for no reason at all, he guessed it was because of the lack of sleep and dance practices making him stressed as well as not having all of his members with him.

He reached for his pen tapping the bottom of it against the desk creating some sort of rhythm; anything would be helpful at this point - he had three full songs to be finished by Monday, it was currently Saturday night.

Biting the bottom of his lip Namjoon quickly scribbled down his thoughts, at least if he had something he could expand on it.

He felt like he had overworked himself, but the only choreography he had to practice was spring day, it would've been blood sweat and tears and not today too but since the passing of the members it was almost impossible to dance and sing without them, and the fans wouldn't appreciate it either. So instead they will all just sing their solo songs and have an ending of Spring day, where they will do their own slow choreography. Slow choreography, they only practiced it for an hour a day due to how easy it was to remember, yet the things in Namjoon's brain kept piling on top of each other, he couldn't cope, everything was happening and he didn't know what to do.

And he had three songs to finish in less than 48 hours and he hadn't even scribbled a sentence; just a few words that read nothing but nonsense.

"Joonie, do you need help?" Hoseok walked in peering over the boy's shoulder eyes widening when he saw the lack of words on the paper.

Namjoon breathed heavily, it happened again, he nearly lost his temper unconsciously. He released his grip on the pen, and slowly opened his eyes staring up at the ceiling as he heard door closing.

"Uh, Yeah... yes please that would be great." Hoseok smiled glad that he could help as he looked over the information Namjoon had been given.

Hoseok had been proud, proud that Namjoon had finally be letting his guard down, letting him help, admitting that he wasn't okay.

He felt a strong admiration towards the boy, 'if only I could do that." He subsided his thoughts and focused back on the glowing screen.

Hours had passed and the two had slowly but surely come up with a few beats and lyrics that they could use. Both boys had parted ways to their rooms, Namjoon was currently laying in bed, eyebrows furrowed and hand interlocked on his chest as he stared dreamily at his ceiling.

Time was a valuable thing and it still baffled Namjoon how Yoongi had been able to write so easily. It use to be so easy, so easy when he had Yoongi by his side, turning every thought he had into a lyric. His mint hair bouncing up and down as he put his dreams and passions onto that single piece of paper. That lyric that would be sang to the rest of the world, that would tell everyone their stories and hardships, that would tell everyone their achievements and dreams.

The boy had so much talent, but it had been wasted, because he was gone now.


Thank you for reading this (boring) chapter I hope that you enjoyed it, next chapter will be the day of the concert and one of the last chapters so please anticipate. 💜

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