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When John walked into the enemy's area, he tried to sneak into the tent of the commander of the enemy. Suddenly, hundreds of arrows as if flying to his direction. He got hit with three arrows and hit the ground so hard. He crawled and crawled to reach the wall to hide from the enemy.

"Caroline!!" that was the only thing he could think of and said while facing his fate.

"John? John!" Caroline had a drop of tear rolling down her cheek. Her dream was so real, maybe too real it was almost reality. She sat up.

"Milady? Are you ok?" Geraldine asked with concern. Caroline ignored her. She got up from her bed running around her room. "Milady, where are you going?"

"I'm going to find John. He's waiting for me somewhere." She went to her wardrobe and took out her dresses. It looked like she knew what she was going to do but from Geraldine's view, Caroline didn't make sense at all.

"Milady, we are not going anywhere. You should stay in bed. You have just woken." Although Geraldine stood in front of Caroline, Caroline was living in her own world. She couldn't hear and see anything.

No one knew what Caroline was doing. Her soul had already gone to another place or another world. The parents came in. They didn't see Caroline. They saw a lost child who was looking for her pieces.

"Milady...stop...stop please! You can't find John. He's gone." Geraldine tried to stop Caroline from throwing her clothes everywhere. Caroline had no intention to stop. "Caroline!" Geraldine finally said loudly. At the same time, Caroline stopped and looked at her maid with tears rolling down.

Geraldine never called Caroline by her name, not to mention other workers in the house. Caroline was THE Lady. Who would yell at her? But Geraldine was only the one that Caroline could never get angry with.

"How dare you talk to Caroline like this?" The father yelled at the maid.

"Listen to me, Caroline!" The maid continued. "John is gone. He won't come back. He died at the battlefield." Geraldine knew it was hard for Caroline to accept the truth. Caroline kept shaking her head and sobbing. But it was the reality that no one could change.

"I just want to get his body back. I want to bring him back home." They hugged. "I don't have anyone left but you, Geraldine."

This indeed hurt Caroline's parents. They couldn't believe that their daughter never trust themselves. They gave their daughter the best, literally everything. Little did they know, what they said "It's best for you" or "Mother knows best" were the source of stress to Caroline. She never liked living in this big mansion. It was more like a jail.

After a while, Geraldine soothed Caroline and planned to cook something for her mistress.


"Yes sir?"

"I warn you...remember who you are. You shall not call your mistress by her name" Geraldine let out a small giggle, an ironic one. "What are you laughing at?"

"Could you please ask yourself, do you know why MILADY never put on accessories you and madam bought her? Do you notice MILADY never talk about her personal matters with sir and madam but showing a fair satisfying face?" The maid emphasized on the word 'milady' because she wanted the owners of the house knew she did pay attention to the hierarchy in the house.

Caroline's parents didn't say anything, especially Caroline's she was in deep thought. The Lady's maid was right. They didn't even notice that. Or...they never pay attention to their precious daughter.

"Milady comes to my room and cry for anything she doesn't like. Do you know what she really wants? She hates being treated so well. She hates staying in a big house with maids following around. She hates not being able to be friends with other people but the rich people."

"You don't understand because you're just a poor woman who works for a rich family"

"I do understand..." Geraldine was getting a bit emotional. But she stopped when she knew she was a bit too emotional. "All Milady always says to me is 'I wish I was you. You can do whatever you want' I feel sorry for her and she knows it."


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