Scarborough Fair

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"Milady!" Geraldine ran after Caroline.

Caroline slowed her pace until the house was out of her sight and, of course, waited for Geraldine. Two of them were like twin sisters. They were inseparable since day one Geraldine came to work for the family. There was never a master servant relationship between them. Geraldine was only five years older than Caroline. Sometimes Geraldine was more like Caroline's family more than her real family.

"Geraldine, you tell me. Will John ever find me again?" Caroline said staring at the playground they used to go when they were kids. "Or am I actually stupid to wait for his return? It's been 20 years."

"If you two are meant to be with each other, no matter how many years or how many times you have moved, he will find you eventually. I know he will." Geraldine looked at Caroline and smiled. "Let us go to the fair! Aren't you go to 'Lady Helen's' tonight? Please do let me cook you birthday dinner." Geraldine held up an umbrella and Caroline giggled.

As they approached to the fair, Caroline kept staring at the corner just like she found some jewels but she couldn't pick them up herself.

"Milady, perhaps you can walk around first. I see herbs over there. I will be back in a minute." Caroline nodded.

Caroline wandered the fair purposelessly. She didn't seem like a Lady when she was there because she always wandered around while Geraldine was buying things. Besides, Caroline could really hide her identity with her blue cloak.

"Morning! Our fruits are really fresh today!" one of the stall owners said and Caroline smiled in response. She put a few lemons and paid then continued wandering purposelessly.

There was a small fountain that people called it Wishing Fountain. As long as people threw a coin into the fountain and made a wish, their wishes were likely to happen. Caroline had heard of it but she had never tried making a wish. She took out a penny and thought: I hope to see John in nearing future and to know he is safe.

"Milady." A man called her. She turned and froze. She recognised the facial structure and stared at the man's eyes until the man gave her back her handkerchief. The man bowed and offered her the handkerchief. Caroline took a look at the handkerchief which her name, C.C.Y (Caroline Claire of York), was on. Meanwhile, the most attention-drawing thing was the bracelet the man had. She glanced at the bracelet then looked back to the man and nodded meaning that was her handkerchief and thanked him.

Caroline looked at the man until he was out of her sight. Looking back at her handkerchief, she was thinking about the bracelet that knight had. The braiding method of the handmade bracelet, Caroline never hesitated to mention it to others, was so rare because she was the one who could make that kind of braids.

John...he is safe and sound.

If that was John, he should have recognised Caroline. But he didn't. What he just did was giving her back the handkerchief then walked away. She wasn't sure anymore.


"When I come back to find you, we will sit under this old tree and dig up the treasure" Treasure, which was their secret, was the grass-made rings they made together.

"What if we change a lot that we don't recognise each other? Let's say after 20 years, you and I will be 35. We will probably change a lot." The 15 year-old young lady asked with concern.

"We may change a lot. But something won't change." The young knight held up the bracelet. "I wear it every day until we meet again and your hair. Your beautiful hair is the symbol." He held her hand. "We just won't be sure about each other if I return 20 years later. If that happens, come to this big, old tree the next day that you see me. I'll be right here. I'm quite sure I will recognise...your hair haha." Caroline hit his arm playfully and John got up and run.

"Don't you dare run away"


"Milady?" Geraldine said.


"Let's go home. Sir and Madam are probably worried." Caroline nodded without saying anything.

During the night, Caroline couldn't stop thinking about John. She knew it was difficult to see him again if that man was John. She had no idea where he lived and he didn't know where she had moved or...she was scared that John didn't recognise her anymore.

"Milady? Why don't you go to sleep?" Geraldine startled her.

"Oh Geraldine...I can't sleep."

"What happen?"

"Can you do me a favour?" Geraldine nodded. "Tomorrow after going to the fair please tell father and mother I will be back later. Hmmmm just lie I'm visiting some orphans."

"But Milady..."

"I have to find out something" Caroline looked at Geraldine with pleading eyes. "I think I saw John today" Geraldine didn't say anything but put her hand on Caroline's back as a support.

"Let me heat some milk for you then go to sleep"

"Thank you"

"Thank you"

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