The Only Reason

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After everything she has been through, after every battle, every sacrifice and every loss, the fact that Thomas is behaving weird towards her is the only thing Teresa can't seem to understand. Specially if they've been together for over six years.

She can't find a plausible reason to why Thomas has been so distant and that is getting slightly to her, forming questions in her head that get her worried everytime.

He barely finds time to see her, spending most of his time outside, and eventhough Teresa works and most of her day is filled with it, she knows something is changing and Thomas is different. It's been like this for almost two weeks and Teresa realizes that that's enough.

She sits on the couch impatiently, waiting for him to come home like she knows he will. She can't help the thousands of questions and doubts that fulfill her head.

A few minutes later the dark haired girl hears the front door opening, and she takes a deep breath, preparing herself for whatever is to come.

She stands up, looking back as Thomas greets her with a small smile.

"Thomas?" The boy stops on his tracks, placing the door's key on the table. Teresa crosses her arms on her chest. "Can we talk for a bit?"

The boy's face turns paper white, his eyes opening wide as if surprised with the question and the fact that Teresa called him by his name, and not by his nickname. That's something she only does when it's something serious.

"Y-yeah... yeah we can talk."

Teresa sits on the couch, patting the space beside her for him to sit.

He does as he's told, and Teresa can sense he's slightly fidgety by the way his hands move with each other.

"What do you want to talk about?" He asks, looking everywhere but her eyes.

Teresa looks up at his face, perplexed with his obliviousness. However, she can see in his face that he knows exactly what she wants to talk about.

"What's going on with you? You've been distant lately, I barely see you in the morning and when I do it's rushed and you walk away from that door almost immediately." Teresa replies, pointing to the front door and then looking back at the boy who now lifted his head, looking at her apologetically.

"I know-"

"Thomas, if it's something I did, please tell me. I just want things to go back to what they were." Teresa can feel the tears starting to form in the brims of her eyes.

But then her mind wanders to the idea that maybe Thomas doesn't want this anymore, that his love for her is past the gone and that she's holding him back.

"Or, if you don't want things to go back to what they were..." she tries to say but her mind doesn't let her finish the sentence, it causing a strong pain to be felt in her chest. The thought of not having Thomas by her side anymore is what scares her the most.

It was, until she saw Thomas' head slumping down, with him taking a deep breath as his nervousness suddenly stops, only to kick in again.

So this is it? This is how their story will end?

Teresa leans back on the couch, taking a deep breath as a new round of tears fall from her eyes to her cheeks, down to her shirt as Thomas keeps his mouth shut, dead silent.

They stay like this for some moments, until Teresa can't take it anymore. She just snaps.

"Was it something I did? Thomas, you know I only want what's best for you, and you also know that we talk about everything to each other, so please tell me what happened." She says softly, but her voice cracks everytime she talks.

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