Emotional Tether

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They've been walking through the Scorch for what it seems like hours, the group already dragging their legs as they head towards a place that seems extremely far away from where they are now.

Thomas is helping Newt, Minho and Frypan carry a sick, wounded Winston in some hammock they just made with some strong sticks and clothes, trying to keep the boy from falling apart.

"We just gotta keep moving." Thomas shouts through the sand storm that has just formed, to his friends, trying his best to encourage them to continue. Hopefully, they listen to him.

They switch turns on carrying Winston, the boy occasionally letting out grunts of pain, or whispering pained words like "Leave me, I'm not gonna make it." so it's time for Aris to carry him along with the others while Thomas rests his muscles.

"But just for a bit." He says, Aris nodding at his statement.

Thomas feels guilty over all of this situation, because it was him who brought them into that and he wants to help in any way he can.

But he could use some rest for some minutes already.

He walks forward to a very tired Teresa, her head looking down and her shoulders low, probably due to the long tiring hours of walking in the sand.

He approaches her, placing a hand on her shoulder in a way to get her attention.

She looks up at him, her eyes tired and out of focus, their blue tone now turned into a grey one, shining way less than before. She still manages to give him a small smile before looking down again.

"Hey, you okay?" Thomas asks, placing his right hand on her back to help her keeping a steady pace.

"Yeah, I'm just tired, that's all." She sighs, giving Thomas a reassuring smile once again.

But Thomas knows it's way more.

He knows the state the boys are at now, and he can't imagine how she is now. He literally dragged her out of a medical wing, where she was sleeping in some kind of deep sleep, probably recovering from something horrible they did to her.

He nodded slightly, looking ahead of him to see the mountains still way ahead.

"How many days do you think it will take?" He hears a soft voice from beside him asking.

"I don't know, maybe two, maybe three, but no longer than that, I think."

He looks down at her. She nods her head in agreement, and that's when Thomas realizes how really tired Teresa looks. Her face is pale besides the burning sun hitting on their bodies. Her eyes are small, probably from the lack of sleep. But that's the fact that they're no longer shining that makes him feel really worried.

He wants to do something, but he doesn't know what to do.

He reaches for his backpack, taking a bottle of water out, checking if it does still have some inside.

He smiles softly to himself as he sees that he can actually help her, even if in a small way.

"Here." He says, extending his arm with the metal bottle to her front.

She looks confusedly at him and the bottle, squinting her eyes due to the sun.

"Drink it. You'll feel better."

Teresa takes the bottle, opening it and looking inside, noticing that it's almost empty.

"But, Thomas, it's almost empty, you need it as well." She replies, looking at him and handing him the bottle again.

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